6. This Doll is not Fragile

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Once I was finally home all hell broke loose. My sister, Olivia was being noisy and saw me coming home with Ace and immediately involved my parents. 

Now they're teasing me.

My dad though knowing that I had a rough childhood is taking it seriously and is literally taking out his shotgun.

"He is not my boyfriend!" I shout

"Oh, my daughter is turning into a woman." says my mother wiping a tear that is definitely not there.

"Mom, he is not my boyfriend!" I clearly state but I don't think it was enough.

"Melinda, she is still a child."

Oh my god is anybody listening to me, I swear this family.

"Elly, when a guy is looking at you like that" she pauses "You can not say he is not your boyfriend" she adds

"Olivia, he is just a classmate. Who just started talking to-" I was about to finish my sentence but my sister interrupted "Sure, he is just a classmate" she smirks giving me a congratulation punch on the shoulder.

I'm doomed I cannot convince this goddamn family no matter what I say.

"Ugh," I go up to my room making it absolutely clear he is not my boyfriend "For the last time, he is not boyfriend and that is final!"

I head to my room, taking off my heels, and just plop down on the bed. I then hear my phone. I look at the screen and it's a few messages from Ace.

Ace: Hey

Ace: Make sure to keep tomorrow free

Yeah, sure whatever.

Me: Fine, G'night

I close my phone and I get ready for bed, I'm exhausted.

I could feel the light of the sun creep into my room, ugh I do not want to get up.

I cuddle more into the warm blankets but I groan when hearing my notification sound. It rings a few times and finally being fed up and annoyed I grab my phone unplugging it from the charger. The time right now is one in the afternoon and I have a couple of messages from Ace.

Ace: Hey

Ace: I'll pick you at 1, so be ready

Ace: I'm here

Crap, I forgot. I was too busy enjoying my sleep that I forgot that I had plans with Ace.

I take back what I said about him being ok, he is not ok if he disturbs my sleep.

I then jump out of nowhere due to the unexcepted call, of course, it's from Ace. I answer the call and I give a little "welcoming" greeting "Hey, I'm was trying to sleep asshole!"

"Sorry but I'm currently outside of your house"

"Really, sorry is all you have to say." I sigh not wanting to argue "Look just wait a little longer I'll get ready as fast as I can." after that, I hang up.

Firstly I make up the bed and once that is done I hop into the shower. Finally, as soon as I was finished I washed up then I dried my hair and started putting my clothes on.

I put on a black frilly dress that goes with a frilly white pinafore apron. After that, I put on a black frilly choker that looks like a school collar around my neck.

Next, I put on my black lacy headdress that has bright artificial red roses on each side and lastly, I put on my black lacy stockings and my goth ankle wrap lolita heels.

I may look like a maid in this outfit but I like how it looks and if anybody disapproves well they can fight me.

Once I was dressed I head to the bathroom to do a few touch-ups to my face. All I just do is put on some eyeliner and some lipstick then I was finally done.

I grab my phone, keys, and my small black bag.

I exit the house and see Ace just leaning on his motorcycle. Ace sees me and I notice his eyes widen a little.

"Come on, let's go," he says as he tosses me a helmet

"Where are we going?"

He doesn't say anything as I put on the helmet that he handed me, great I woke up just for this. For all, I know he could take me to an abandoned factory.

I get on the motorcycle anyway and he starts up the engine. When the motorcycle finally stopped, Ace got off and so did I while I took off the helmet fixing my hair, adjusting my headdress.

 I noticed we've arrived at some auto repair shop. Ace goes to the person who was fixing a car at the moment. They seemed cozy, I guess they know each other.

"Elysse, I want you to meet someone."

The man standing before me has brown hair like Ace but has green eyes. The guy is wearing a white shirt that has stains on it along with his face due to the car he is fixing. The guy is also wearing some old, ripped jeans along with some dirty black converse. 

"Hi, I'm Jasper," he says as he is wiping his hands with a cloth to rid of the dirt. 

"Elysse," I reply

Then he eyes me up and down as if I'm the most unusual thing he has ever seen, I hate that look.

"Well I guess this is a first." he observes still looking at me "I'm not used to girls looking like such antique dolls you see in scary movies."

"Jasper, shut up." I assert. 

"Why?" he asks. 

"Because if you say anything else about me, I will rip out your tongue" I smirked on the inside once I saw his reaction at my comment. "Didn't mama ever tell you to keep your mouth shut when you have nothing nice to say." I continued as I crossed my arms.

Jasper pats Ace on the shoulder as if he did a good job at something "Bro, she's good I can tell." he says to Ace.

What does that mean?

Finished: 11/1/2020

Edited: 1/15/2022

Published: 12/3/2020

Words: 1012

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-fremy :3

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