Chapter 11

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Rainne's POV

"Mads? Can we have a private talk?" I look at her with pleading eyes.

"I just want to know..why..fine. We're not yet done Axel." She follows me to the garden where it's just the two of us.

"It seems like Kaiden knows a lot more than me.. Is this favoritism?" She crossed her arms on her chest.

I sit next to her and smile at her.

"It just happened that Kaiden can help me last night because he can sneak out."

"You should have at least asked me."

"Then get disappointed because you cannot? We both know that our parents are the same in one thing, they love us so much and they will never allow us to sneak out at night."

"Fine.. fine. Then why did you go to his place at the middle of the night and stay.. My god."

"Well.. " I smile and caress the necklace that Axel gave me.

"Wait..." She looks into my eyes and studies my face. "Are you.. Are you in love with Ax?"

I took a deep breath and nodded at her then she screamed and hugged me.

"Are you serious? Goooooood... Rainne ELiza? Are you fucking serious?" Her expression is priceless and it's very obvious that she's happy.

"I missed him a lot.. Those days when he didn't visit. I realized that I grew some feelings for him, that he is important to me not because he is my friend and that he likes me but because I really do like him."

We're both smiling but at the same time our eyes are both about to cry.

She hugs me again and pulls herself. "I'm happy for you.. I'm happy that finally you learned to open yourself to someone who really cares for you.. "

"I'm happy too.. But I'm too happy that I'm scared."

"Scared of what? All your life.. It only revolves in one person and you were not happy but now.. You finally have Axel, so why are you afraid?"

"I'm afraid that if I tell him that I like him too, he will end up like Gavin.. I mean, he will end up leaving me too because my love is suffocating."

"I doubt that.. Axel is very different from him and your love is not suffocating, he just doesn't know how to appreciate genuine things. No need to be afraid of Rainne, you deserve to be happy and Axel is the man for you."

"Thank you, Mads. I mean, talking to you really lessen the burden I have in me. I really don't know what to do and I really don't know how to tell him that I love him too."

"I'm so happy to hear all those things that you have said.. Well, do you have any idea when to tell him?"

"He's going home first in London before our internship, so I am planning to tell him when he comes back."

"When he comes back? But what if he meets his ex there? C'mon tell him on our graduation. It will be the perfect day for the two of you to be together, I know that he will come back but if you tell him that you love him too before he goes home, I am sure he will find a way to go back here as soon as possible."

"But don't you think I look so desperate? I mean.."

"Stop.. you're not desperate, you're just in love."

I smiled at her "Okay..I will tell him on our graduation."

After our conversation. We headed back to the pool area where Nanny Rose is with them. She told us that dinner is ready and my Mom is calling us. Madi really looks so happy for me that she even says sorry to Axel but without giving him a hint of what I told her a while ago.

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