History of the Disease

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Although the first origins of how the disease became a thing are unknown and will probably go unsolved until the end of days, we have recovered how it broke out a few centuries ago. The "73" in "LYC-N73" represents the last two digits of the year we believe it broke out. 

In the year "2873", a team of 18 archaeologists, aged 23-42, 6 females and 12 males were excavating a mountainside near what used to be named "The Black Sea Coast". During the excavation, they uncovered a caved-in system of tunnels, they further explored the system and came across an open pocket full of skeletons of past Mobians. These skeletons looked monstrous, bearing large fangs and gawked open mouths, possibly standing up to 4-6 feet tall.

A member of the team, who was unnamed and was never heard from, was said to have cut his right forearm on a sharp stalagmite. The cell was supposedly released from the decomposing bodies and became airborne before attaching to that rock. The cell reproduces asexually in the salivary glands. However, since the cells were in a cave without any sunlight, they mass-reproduced wherever they could, and that poor guy became Patient-0. Now, we have no idea where he was or who he was, but according to documents from that year, it seems to add up.

The cave is still there and is often explored, it even has its own tourist attraction element which was heavily despised since... well, it's dangerous. There have been a few cases of people getting cut and infected because they were too clumsy to listen to the requirements to enter the system. I went to the cave system myself to take samples of the fangs, there was also some stained blood on the walls that I still have, there are even dead virus cells still on the rock. 

After the unknown host was infected, he turned over the nights. According to documents of nearby cities, towns, and villages, there were many slaughters and killings which many suspected was of an animal. No Mobian could've caused that much gruesome deaths. There was another victim in a village, he was documented in hospital files to have been bitten by a large wolf-bear hybrid. Obviously, this was the next bite victim of LYC-N73. Over time, the infection started spreading throughout all of Mobius, placing many nations on high alert.

There were also a few agencies and government acts created to combat the spread and the massacres of these beasts. The biggest one being the M.L.C.B. or "Mobian Lycan Containment Brigade". Many governments hired experienced hunters and soldiers to hunt down Lycan camps and either slaughter them or take them into a facility to be tested on. What goes on in those facilities cannot even be known to me. In fact, only Queen Sally knows and even she has someone telling her not to do things with the information.

Soon, the infected Lycans began to create hide-away sites made to act as a safe haven from these hunting parties. Some decided to fight back against these parties, using the disease to their advantage, but most of these Mobians end up dead. Am I against the hunting parties? Yes. Am I against Lycans? No. I'll get to that later.

To this day, Lycans are still being found and more Mobians are getting bitten or even killed. Despite the worlds' best attempts at finding a cure, it never worked. Hopefully, we can find a cure and end all of this mess. 

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