Carnivorous Lunar Activities

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After the Lycan has complete control over itself, the first thing it will notice is its incredible hunger. During the transformation, the body used a ton of metabolism and energy, in order for the body to make up for it, the Lycan will hunt for food. When it consumes food, it will also aid the virus with nutrients. 

Much like a wolf, the Lycan will inevitably howl at the moon, this is to alert any other local Lycan that there's another nearby and to "stay away from my hunting zone". If they were to meet each other, they would fight until one is dead or maimed to the point where they retreat. If one dies, the other will eat the remains and continue the hunt elsewhere. Now that the hunting zone was compromised, they'll choose to find another area to hunt.

Lycans will aim for meat, but if there is no meat, it'll consume berries and fruits that bear on trees. Now, fruits and berries are not healthy for the lycan nor is it healthy for the host after the reversion, but it keeps them alive. The lycan needs to eat or else the host will die during the reversion process. If there isn't enough nutrients taken in by sunrise, the body won't be able to support the transformation back into its original form and it will shut down entirely.

The average Lycan will stay in its state from 8 pm to 7-9 am. Which gives it plenty of time to hunt. But when it gets done hunting, it will roam around and hunt for other Mobians, not to eat, but to toy with. Despite being mostly wolf-like, they tend to play around with their prey much like a cat does. Their way of "playing' is biting the prey, not enough to rip their limbs off, but enough to transmit the disease. Whether the virus affects the brains way of thinking in order to transmit easier is unknown, but that's what we think happens.

If a hunting party were to find a lycan and shoot it with silver bullets, the beast would run away into a place where it feels safe. But as the silver kills off the cells and rots the bloodstream, the lycan will slowly lose its traits and revert back into the original form. The victim will have around an hour to lay there and die. They will be unable to move, breathing would be difficult, and their vision would be blurry. Unfortunately, we never found a way to prevent them from dying from the silver.

Although rare, lycans have been observed to sleep. We understand that they sleep whenever they get full and have no interest in eating or "toying" around. Lycans are approachable during this, even if you wake them up, they'll be too tired to bother you. But we do NOT recommend doing this since they are rather unpredictable. 

Lycans do share some traits that bears have. If a Lycan were to feel angry or threatened by something or someone, they would stand up on their hind legs, hunch over forward, snarling to show their canines, salivate, and stiffen their fingers. If whatever is angering them refuses to walk away, they will either jump or run to tackle them, pinning them onto the ground and flailing around them to kill them. Whether or not they ate before, they will probably eat the victim.

Tails' Notes on Lycanthropy (LYC-N73)Where stories live. Discover now