CHAPTER 1 - The Thing On The Run!♍

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Here I come, world....! Open Says me!

>//A Monster's POV//

"My eyes glowed as I rose off Mother Earth, my fist tightly clenched with raging energy engulfed around them and in that split second of my... liberation,
I boomed off with inhumane speed, my eyes set solely on my Escape!"

> The Thing On The RUN!

It was a dark and stormy night. Soft and cold, white snow covered the ground like a thick blanket of tremendous height. The wind howled wildly, the stiff trees with cold frost that bites. And upon it all stood a huge well-fortified fortress, a base with guards posted at every angle, every corner.

The base had a gruesome history as it's well designed and fortified structures kept whatever secrets it had hidden away from the rest of the world. Not many Monsters dared escape this dreadful place, and the few who do never made it out alive. That is until...

The tank that was used to hold a certain green Kaiju was seen to have had a hole punched through the glass, allowing the liquid content to leak out and Kiel to escape his watery prison. Wet footsteps were seen leading the way from the tank as the Kaiju rejoined humanity for the first time in so many years.


An aftershock shuddered through the Foundation. One which gave everyone a scare. Emergency lights wailed as injured staff and security personeels helped each other out from underneath the rubble that had fallen on them as the building was shaken by the quake. It had only been but a few short seconds, but still managed to leave a trail of destruction in it's wake. Something wasn't right.

And while the wounded were bandaged up, given necessary first aid medical treatment, anyone and everyone who was still able to, started frantically checking the containment of every anomaly on the site.
The Foundation could worry about the origin of the quake later. First and foremost, they needed to assess the damages.
Luckily, multiple rapid sweeps of the facility revealed there weren't all that many high-level threat anomalies whose containment had been breached. A few of the safer ones were found cowering underneath tables or buried under fallen rubble and debris in their quarters, but for the most part, every anomaly was safe and accounted for. Except for one.

Damn it! Distraught and guilt-ridden, he cursed and muttered under his breath. Either by pure, unpredictable instance of human error, or through the act of some twisted karmic fate, the Rscp Foundation had an outbreak on their hands. The sound of an alarm system could be heard going off, blaring and sounding hard in the large winding halls of Site-Stonehaven as a man dressed in a white lab coat sprints across. Head researcher Dr. Rhys Stane Moores was having the second worse day of his life, and things weren't about to get any better. He ran down the main hall of the secure facility. All the while, all around him, ear splitting containment breach sirens blared and warning lights flashed a stark threatening red. Damn it! Damn it all! I guess I should have protested more. If I'd objected, if I'd really objected, then non... non of this would be happening right now! The thought raced through the mind of the young bearded scientist as he made his way past two of his fellow co-workers running in the opposite direction.

After running a few metres, he stopped abruptly, hearing a sudden crackle in the distance that cut him off from his existential tangent. His gaze faced upwards and were fixated at the speaker as it crackled to life.

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