Chapter 2

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"Okay class," Mr. Richards called, "we have a new student today. Show him some respect as he introduces himself."

Everyone seemed to quiet down with Jacob standing at the front of the room. I could see all the girls already drooling over him. Back off ladies, he's mine, I thought mentally.

"My name is Jacob, I've lived in Texas my whole life, I'm in football and orchestra and history is probably my worst subject," he chuckled. The whole class chuckled with him but I knew they only did it because they think he's good-looking

"Thank you, Mr. Jacob," said Mr. Richards. "Take a seat next to Gale. He'll be your partner for our next project, which I'll explain right after this. Alright class," he said, turning his attention to the whole classroom. "This next assignment will happen in partners of two. You will need to research a recent event in the world and write an essay on it. You must include..."

I kind of zoned out when Jacob sat down next to me and flashed a big grin. He was a football player, so I was expecting him to ditch me for the jocks. But to be totally honest, that makes me want him more.

"...due two weeks from today," Mr. Richards finished. "The class period is yours to find a partner and start on your project."

"So when do you want to start?" Jacob immediately asked with his big pearly eyes are staring into mine.

"I usually like to wait a bit. But if you want to start early that's fine. My place or yours?" I ask casually. "I would prefer yours because I'm supposed to babysit but I'm not feeling it today."

"Actually,  my place wouldn't be best. I mean, I still have boxes and things everywhere..." he trailed. There was an obvious mood change when I asked him about his home. Weird.

"Alright we can do it at my house today," I said as I wrote down my address for him. "I have to warn you though, I babysit this little boy, Carter. I love him and everything but he can get a little too much really often."

"That's cute. I love kids!" he proclaimed. Wait, did he really call something cute? It sounded so awkward coming from his lips, those pink soft lips that I could just ki- stop! History project after school. "Hello? Anybody in there?" he questioned, waving a hand in my face.

I snap back into reality and was greeted again by big pearls. "Huh? Did something happen?" I asked.

"No I was telling you about how I used to babysit this kid that brought me cookies everyday," he pouted. "Are you ignoring me?!" he gasped dramatically. He's such a goofball. I swear. He got up, dramatically, and took a step away from me. All the girls looked up at him expectantly.

I quickly grabbed his hand, not wanting him to leave me. But being my smooth self, my body got caught on my desk, making me double over. Jacob quickly turned around with a concerned expression while everyone else looked annoyed with me. "Are you okay?" he asked, truly concerned.

"Yeah," I said, ignoring the looks the people were giving me. "I'm just really, really smooth."

The bell rang interrupting our nice conversation and we both got up to go to our other classes, making me just a little bit sad.

The rest of the day went by uneventful. I went through my classes and I went home afterwards.

"Did you miss the bus this morning?" my mom asked with a smirk on her face. She knew and she was trying to rub it in.

"Yeah I did... But a friend picked me up, so I wasn't late or anything," I replied nonchalantly. Oh yeah. That friend was Jacob and he's coming over. "Mom, that friend I mentioned is coming over today. We have a project to do together," I informed her.

"Is this friend a male?" she playfully asked. She knew I was gay because I told her when we lived in California. She took it okay but because of it, she would always make fun of me by saying how she'll never have grandkids.

"Yes and mom, don't do anything that'll embarrass me. Please."

"Chill out, brah," she chirped. "Is that what the kids are saying nowadays?" Oh my god. She is doing this to torture me. I swear. "I'm just joking, Gale!" she chuckled. "Take a joke, jeez. Just don't forget that you're babysitting today and I'll be heading out tonight."

"Okay, cool," I said. Wait a minute. My mom was single and had no friends. Why would she need to go out? "Where are you going?" I questioned.

"Out," she chimed. That was all I got out of her before the doorbell rang. I instantly stood up and walked to the door but my mom beat me to it. She opened the door before I could catch up.

"Hello, I'm Gale's mother," she introduced.

"Hi I'm Jacob!" he said, as perky as ever.

I finally made it to the door and I literally shoved my mom out of the way. "Mom, leave now," I said.

"Alright fine," she pouted. As she turned around she yelled one last thing that really didn't need to be said. "By the way, my son has this heart condition and it'll mess with him if he gets too stressed, so every hour, take a break and make sure to pleasure yourselves!" she exclaimed. Oh my god. I need to kill her tonight.

Jacob laughed at that, making me flush from embarrassment. I heard another small laugh from behind him. It sounded like a girl's voice.

"I hope you don't mind but I brought a plus one," he said. A smaller girl stepped out from behind him.

"Hi," she said. "I'm Chelsea."

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