Chapter 3

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Chelsea...? Who is she? Why is she here?

"...and I'm his girlfriend," she said.

"Oh," I said. My chest felt heavy. Why do I feel like this? I've only known him for, not even a full day! God, I feel like such an idiot.

"She's from my old school. She's really good at history so I asked her to come," Jacob said, as if nothing is wrong. And he was probably right. Nothing was wrong. It was most likely me, falling too fast...again. "Hope you don't mind?"

"Huh? No, it's fine," I said trying to sound casual. "Come on in," I said routinely. I think the safest route is to not get any more attached than I already am. "I'll show you the way to my room."

I led them up the stairs and took them to my room. It was a causal room with posters of some random artists that I liked such as Foxes, Zedd, Fall Out Boy, and others.

"Sorry, I haven't had a chance to clean yet," I said.

"It's okay! I really like your room," Chelsea said. "Oh my god, Fall Out Boy and Foxes?! I love them both!" she exclaimed. She might be with my man, but she had a good taste in music. I'll give her that much.

"Aren't they amazing?" I asked, dryly.


"How about we do something in the Middle East? There's tons of stuff going on over there," she said.

"Here, let me Google this," I said, typing into my laptop.

"Guys, let me help too!" Jacob whined.

"Nah, just stand over there and look nice," I replied, not even looking up from my screen.

"I like you already," Chelsea said, hugging my arm.

"Hey! I'm your boyfriend! Hello? Over here?"

"You're job right now is to look nice," she smirked, nudging me in the arm. Alright, she's pretty cool. But she still stole my man and that's a big no no.

Jacob scoffed and stood in the corner of my room, looking at my posters. Chelsea and I read an online article about how in one of the countries over there, the government is being criticized for being hypocrites and taking money, jobs, and people from the streets. It is actually really scary thinking about it. This article was posted last week and the dates in the article are recent.

"I think this one will work!" I said.

"Really? Can I see now?" Jacob pouted.

"Fine. I have to get Carter anyways. Be back in 15. No sex while I'm away," I said to the couple.

"About that...," Chelsea started. "We're not actually a couple," she laughed. "I'm his cousin. I always do this to his friends."

"What?" The onset of emotions hit hard: anger, happiness, confusion, bliss, disgust, relief...

"My blessing is also a curse and so people would only get close to me for my looks," Jacob spoke. "It got annoying so I told Chelsea and we made this thing up to prevent it from happening again."

My mouth formed a small "o" shape and a few minutes passed before anyone said anything.

"Can we come to see Carter?" Chelsea asked. "We're both really good with kids!" They both looked at expectantly with the same pearl like gaze that Jacob possessed.

"Alright but it's about a 10 walk from here to his house."

"Even more fun!" they yelled at the same time.


"Grab your stuff, Carter!" I yelled out.

"Okay," he grunted as he pulled the handle to his Lightning McQueen rolling backpack. I found myself smiling at his cute backpack; I gave it to him for his birthday last year. It made the signature "Ka-chow" noise and flashed lights every couple of steps. Carter absolutely loved it and brought it wherever he could, even if he didn't need to hold anything.

"Jason, I need help!" he exclaimed.

"Press the button, boy," I said, chuckling.

He eventually got it and was able to pull his backpack. He jumped out of the doorway with his backpack but it got stuck in the door frame. He looked back and tried to undo it with a lot of struggle. He undid it and proudly walked onto the sidewalk, where he noticed Jacob and Chelsea. I caught up to them after saying goodbye to his parents.

"Hey Carter," I said, smirking. " Do the thing," I told him. I taught Carter a special saying that he would say to anyone of my friends. All of my friends loved him and he probably loved them back equally.

"Okay!" he said happily. "Hi. I'm Carter, I'm 4 and I'm adorable! Don't you just love me already?!" he recited proudly.

"We do!" Chelsea squealed. "You're so adorable!"

She was right. Carter was an extremely cute kid. He had a light tan, giant eyes, a small little noise with brunette hair. He could probably model for a kids' clothing store with the right accessories.

We made it back home and settled down. I threw his stuff on the couch and I heard them playing upstairs in the game room. I pride myself in being a real babysitter, not the one that puts on a movie for the child and play on my phone. Nope! I actually play with the kid and that was the reason why Carter loves me. I'm practically his second father since he hardly sees his. It's not even 4:30 pm and he's already here. Usually they stay out till it is past his bedtime, so he sleeps here and I drop him off in the morning. My life is difficult.

My mom left while I was picking up Carter, so I walked upstairs to where they where. I sat down and we started playing like we were one big family.


Hi. I just wanted to thank you. Gale, Jacob and Carter and Chelsea thank you as well!!  I know it's only 200 ish reads, but it's a lot more than I thought for this story. Thanks!!

Also, I'm thinking Grant Gustin as Jacob...  Any ideas or suggestions?

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