Chapter 1 (Revision)

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If anyone is wondering why I did this. Simply put, the story was just random and had no real plot and was just me writing.
And so, I will begin from the start of the series (like I should have). Please enjoy.

And now Character reintroduction.

Name: Shinikaru Yūutsu

Age: 16

Appearance: (again not my picture.)

Personality: cold and cynical when first approached, gentleman, stubborn, and competitive

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Personality: cold and cynical when first approached, gentleman, stubborn, and competitive.

Likes: color blue, sweet, cold weather, sleep reading, being left alone, cats, coffee, being on time, and his little sister.

Dislikes: adoptive parents, annoying people, spicy foods, crowds, birds, extremely hot weather, and being late.

Now that we have that out of the way(again). Let's go ahead!

Ps. This takes place somewhere after episode 2.

Shinikaru Yūutsu p.o.v.

"People are rotten. Looking back on my highschool life shows me how people are nothing but lying, cheating, and spiteful creatures. But why do they do this. Simple, for their own gain. Humans are selfish. So much so, that they destroy so they can survive and prosper. I mean, look at the ecosystem and the wildlife. Ruined because of the human race.
Those who disagree with my opinions are nothing but the most corrupted trying to silence the truth, and to them I say."


"So.... Is this the essay that I requested from you Shinikaru?" Hiratsuka-sensei said while death gripping my paper, and I worked so hard on it too.

I looked outside to avoid the angry woman in front of me. Unmarried women are scary.

"W-well Sensei. I was on a deadline, and feeling rushed doesn't help on focus." I tried to make an excuse, but she wasn't having it.

"Right~ Not only did you not turn in the essay on time. But then you write something that's full of crap." Hiratsuka-sensei said while sweetly smiling, but the paper in her hand is dust now.

I nervously laugh before looking down in shame. No excuse in the world will save me from my fate.

"Y-yeah... I'm sorry Sensei. I'm ready to take whatever punishment you have in store." I said while bowing.

She puts on a thinking pose to further express that she is putting thought into this. After about a solid minute, she stands up and walks to the door. Confused, I follow her to see what exactly she has in plan.

After walking through an empty part of the school, we came up to a classroom that appeared to have some stickers on the door sign. Strange if you ask me.

Hiratsuka-sensei knocked before walking inside. Following her in, I was greeted with a beautiful sight.

In the classroom by the window is a girl with a slender build. She has icy blue eyes and long black flowing hair with red ribbons tied on the sides. Sitting elegantly with the breeze blowing, reading a book with a little cat design on it.

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