Chapter 16: Meeting

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Authors Note: Hello all! This chapter is an easy one to get into. It was a blast to write which is why its longer than the other chapters so far. After all the cuddly stuff that the last chapter had in it, it's time to get down and gritty with some of the drama that's been peeking over the horizon! Thank you for reading, and enjoy!


"I promise, I've never had that happen to me in my life," Charlie said. Button had been questioning Charlie about his medical history for the past hour now. The morning was slow, just like Max liked it. The fast pace was starting to interest him less and less. He used to always need something to do. He prided himself in how many things he did for the pack, simply because he never wanted to sit still.

But now all of that has changed. All the extra time he had he wanted to stay with Charlie and relax.

Charlie had fallen asleep in Max's arms when he was holding him that night. He had laid him back in bed, knowing that it wouldn't be as comfortable as he wished it to be when they both woke up in the morning. He barely got any sleep that night, but he was happy and relaxed with Charlie around. And the blond seemed to change a bit around him as well. There was a feeling of closeness that they both had now. Max was still riding on that high.

"Well, there are some other questions that I wanted to ask," Dr. Button said. "But I think I'll wait on that for now."

"So, have I gained anymore weight?" Charlie asked. Button had decided to do a check up on him bright and early in the morning.

"You've gained one more pound," he answered. "It's good progress. But you need to make sure you eat at least a little more for breakfast."

"I'm glad the meal plan is working," Charlie smiled. "I don't think I've eaten this much in a long while."

Max decided to keep his face neutral at that. Charlie had been opening up to him a little this morning, He didn't want to ruin it by reacting in a way that would embarrass him. He wouldn't question him about it either. The best thing he could do is wait until Charlie was ready to tell him.

But it still upset him. These were meal portions that Max ate every day. He never had to worry about food. But Charlie was on the opposite side of that. It hurt him to think about it. He would make sure Charlie never went hungry again.

Button left just in time for Max to enjoy breakfast with him. He had brought some paperwork down from his personal office to have something to do while Charlie read. It would be nice to have someone there while he worked.

"I wonder if Nick cooked these," Charlie said, picking up a piece of pancake. "He made them so fast in the kitchen yesterday."

"Probably," Max replied. "Aldi is taking the day off, and he's usually the next in line for the morning shift."

"Why did he take the day off? Is he okay?"

"Oh, he's fine. It's him and his wife's anniversary today," Max shoved a mouthful of pancakes into his mouth. He had gone to school with Nick too. They weren't as close as the rest of his friends, but Max did have some great memories with him. They would sneak into the kitchen in the middle of the night all the time. Nick always seemed to know where all the snacks were hidden.

He was distracted from his thoughts by an amused look on Charlie's face.

"What?" he asked. His mouth was still full of food.

"Nothing," Charlie teased. He looked away with a smile still on his face.

"What are you smiling about?" he swallowed his food and went in for another bite.

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