~careless ♡ inoaoi

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-taisho era


"Ow, ow! Stop it! That freaking hurts!"

Aoi sighed as she sharply tightened Inosuke's bandages, making him gasp.

"You're fine, you big baby. It'll just get worse if I don't do anything." 

Inosuke stuck out his bottom lip in a pout, glaring as he watched Aoi wash her bloody hands. She had just finished cleaning up and bandaging a nasty, infected gash he had received on his side. Inosuke didn't understand how the cleaning and bandaging process seemed to hurt more than the wound itself, but he didn't dwell on it for too long. Thinking tired him. 

"You're going to have to take it easy for a while. No running around, fighting or acrobatics until the end of this week. Do you understand?"

The wild boy rolled his eyes with a scoff and rested his chin on his palm. He never took kindly to being ordered around, but Aoi was a different story. She could boss him around all day and the worst he'd do would be to mumble a complaint and obey her. This situation was no exception, as he just grumbled and laid back down on the sickbed. 

Aoi stood and smoothed out the wrinkles in her apron with her hands, shooting Inosuke a glance. He had closed his eyes and turned his soft face toward the open window, where the autumn breeze was slightly fluttering the drapes. She smiled. He looked so peaceful. 

She took a step closer, seeing his toned chest slowly move up and down. It seemed he was asleep already. Trusting she was safe, Aoi bent over him and placed a tender kiss on his porcelain cheek. "Why are you so careless, silly boar? Someday you're going to get yourself killed." 

Aoi flushed red at what she was doing and grabbed her medical supplies, hurriedly rushing out of the room and sliding the door shut behind her. 

One could call her careless as well. Maybe she should have waited til Inosuke was actually asleep to voice her loving worries... because not 30 seconds later, Aoi had a broken door and a clingy boar to worry about. 


i'm feeling soft  •‿•

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