~captivated ♡ zennezu

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-modern au


Zenitsu wondered what he had done right in life to be friends with a beautiful girl like Nezuko Kamado. All that filled his head nowadays was Nezuko's eyes, Nezuko's smile, Nezuko's everything. It was quite impressive how much he thought about her in five minutes.

Every little thing she did drove him absolutely mad.

Every giggle, every smile, every moment of her existence made him feel like all was right with the world.

Sometimes Zenitsu wished he had the confidence to get down on one knee for real. Of course, he had frantically asked her to marry him plenty of times before, but no one ever took him seriously. Besides, Tanjiro would most likely not approve.

Zenitsu didn't care, though.

As per usual, all this daydreaming and wistfully looking out the window earned the poor boy a sharp thwack on the head, as his unfortunate timing was indeed in the middle of his biology class.

The school day always seemed to fly by, Zenitsu had noticed. Maybe it was because his mind was constantly elsewhere, in the form of mentally adoring Nezuko in every chaste way (Zenitsu would kill anyone, including himself, if they ever lewded the precious girl). He would set his entire attention on thinking up soft, warm scenarios of himself and his beloved, usually in class time. Depending on whose class he did so in, his punishments for being preoccupied varied from a sweet little chide to a legitimate murder threat.

Zenitsu's mind was the most scrambled in the Kamado Lair. He rarely did ever see Nezuko there, but he always hoped to the stars in heaven he would. Occasionally while studying in Tanjiro's room, the unsuspecting captor of his thoughts and feelings would drop by with a tray of some sweet confectionery. She always smiled at him so softly that Zenitsu felt that wonderful, soft sensation of warmth in his chest for the next few days.

Other times he would pass her by in the school halls, his golden eyes taking in her beautiful existence, wishing he could be closer than just her brother's friend.

Little did he know, she was having problems of her own, in regards to him.

Nezuko had always sort of crushed on the flighty boy, much to the somewhat chagrin of Tanjiro. Her brother, being overprotective, hated the idea of her going to either of his best friends. But, much like Zenitsu, she didn't really care.

She had always dismissed her little crush on Zenitsu as nothing more than a little crush. It would surely go away within the next week, but of course, that never happened. She would find herself thinking of him when she should have been studying or doing something else important. Sometimes she absent mindedly drew little pictures of dandelions (which, of course, she associated with Zenitsu) on any paper she had at the time, only to frantically erase the little graphite posies in embarrassment.

Nezuko always avoided Zenitsu when he came over to spend time with Tanjiro. She would come in here and there just to be polite or to bring something to them, but she never stayed longer than a minute. She was afraid she'd do something idiotic in front of the boy.

Being much more observant than the object of her affections, she had already gathered some time ago that he was much more attentive to her than other girls. Her observance did fail her in the way that she never could figure out why. Well, maybe it was wrong to give her the trait of observance, as the entire school and all of their friends and family mentally screamed in frustration at the utter density of the pair.

In the mind of the blonde haired young man, Nezuko was much too far out of his league. She stood high on a pedestal of beauty and grace. Zenitsu was much the same to the girl in question, but for quite different reasons. She felt that her brother would not approve, mostly, and although she liked to think she didn't care, she really did. Tanjiro's opinion mattered oh so much to Nezuko.

Zenitsu had tried, multiple times, to actually confess to Nezuko. He would either chicken out in fear that she didn't return the feelings, or Nezuko thought he wasn't being serious. It was always one of the two.

One day, though, he or she would confess properly and get the answer they were hoping for. But for now, the two would just stay as they were, their minds well and truly captivated with each other.


yes I definitely made a 700+ word one shot just to flex my vocabulary and not really even write a story

LMBO I didn't actually, but kinda-

Anyways, apologies for being a lazy butt for a month and a half lol. I had writers block and a bad case of procrastination but I finally wrote something!! Woo, yay me.

*insert usual slow update excuses here*


I hope you enjoyed this one shot that I definitely didn't have as a draft for a month


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