~missing you ♡ obamitsu

739 20 10

-modern au


Sweet, cool morning air blew in through the slightly open window. Gentle sunlight filtered through the thin curtains and quiet, pleasant birdsong filled the tranquil brain of Iguro Obanai. He mumbled a little in his sleep and turned over, his body coming in contact with something soft. He opened his right eye a little, and seeing it was his lovely wife, he immediately smiled. Obanai shifted towards her and gently spooned her, wrapping his arms around her slim waist and burying his nose in her plush hair. Mitsuri stroked his arm a little in her sleep. Obanai closed his eyes and held her a little tighter. This truly was bliss...

Then he woke up.

For the first time in a long time, Obanai pouted. Who wouldn't, though, if they dreamt of hugging their lover to sleep, only to wake up and it was really their pillow the whole time? He glared at his sakura colored pillowcase for a good few minutes before getting up with a huff. Obanai pulled his shoulder length raven hair into a small ponytail, grabbing two of Mitsuri's pink barrettes as he passed her vanity to clip back his bangs.

In the kitchen, Obanai poured himself some coffee, just settling for straight black. It helped him wake up in the mornings. Glancing at the clock, he sighed. He didn't have to open his cafe until 3 hours later, 11am. So, for now, he'd... just sit on the sofa. Obanai spaced out while looking out the living room window. His thoughts wandered from the bitter taste of his coffee to his wife's modeling job, which often required her to take trips for different photo shoots. That was the reason she wasn't there to wake up with him.

Without her, his days were dull and boring, just like that morning was. He wished she would just come back already and work at the cafe with him, but he knew she loved her job, so he never got in the way of it. Looking back at the clock, he stood and went to freshen himself up.

The average day without Mitsuri usually went as follows: a dull morning with no pretty wife to snuggle, a lonely day at the cafe (even though his cafe was quite popular, so it was usually never empty). Next was a depressing take out dinner with nothing interesting to watch on TV, and last but not least, a cold bed with once again, no pretty wife to snuggle. That day was no exception, and all except the night schedule went as usual.

Obanai had just returned from his cafe. His most reliable part time employee, Tanjiro, was closing that night, so he was able to come home early. Not that there was anything to come home to, though.

As he was returning from his post-work shower, Obanai checked the calender. He had almost forgotten that Mitsuri was supposed to come home tomorrow night. He smiled a little, happy he had something to look forward to. And once more, he stole her barrettes for his bangs.

He had just placed an order for pizza and was feeling especially depressed when the front door flew open. Obanai sat up in a flash, his duel colored eyes locked on he open door as he grabbed an umbrella for a weapon. But, much to his surprise, in walked not a home intruder, but his beautiful, radiant wife, Mitsuri. She sighed and tossed her luggage across the room, closing the door behind her. He watched her cringe at the humongous dent in the wall from the doorknob, obviously from her slamming the door open.

Mitsuri turned and looked at him, a little caught off guard. "Obanai!! You're home? Darn, I wanted to surprise you..." she gave him her signature, adorable pout before beaming like the sun. "Aren't you happy to see me?" Obanai dropped the umbrella and ran to his wife, throwing his arms around her and kissing her face everywhere. "Mitsuri- you're home a day early! I missed you so much!" She laughed as he squeezed her. "I missed you, too!!"

Once Obanai had finished attacking her with soft kisses, she looked at him and smiled, excited. "I have some really good news," she started. "I know how sad you get when I go away, and lately my manager... Hasn't been amazing-"

"Sweetheart, do I need to go beat someone up?"

"No, no!" Mitsuri laughed. She had always found his protective nature cute. "What I'm saying is, I quit my modeling job."

Obanai stared at her in shock. "But why? You love modeling."

"I do. But, I figured it would be easier on both of us if I came to work in the cafe, with you. I wouldn't have to travel all the time and we can spend more time together! We don't have to miss each other all the time anymore."

Obanai smiled. This is what he had been dreaming of. Now he could be constantly by his beloved Mitsuri's side. Now that she wouldn't be traveling, he could wake up beside her every morning and cuddle her to sleep every night. The lonely feeling of missing someone was finally gone now.


ayo the end was cringe lol

Idk I had writers block and everything, so how I was able to kick this out in one night is beyond me.

thanks to kniffystabbystab for the idea/prompt.

*leans in and whispers close to the camera, taisho secret style* kniffy is secretly a softie UwU but don't tell anyone I said that :0

Aight it's almost 4am lmbo I'm going to be dead inside tomorrow


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