Boss with an Attitude

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Chapter 1

Seungkwan's POV

You know what's the best of having bestfriend? It is that, you can have someone to lean on when times are getting harder for you. You can tell them how you felt when you doesn't know how to tell your parents about it. They can be the reasons of your smile because of how funny they are.

But that's not the same thing as I am, we're not friends at all. We're not even close. In fact, you can tell that we're a great enemy. Who would want to be friends to someone who always competes with you? Who always bicker with you when you did something wrong on one specific thing? It's not that I am complaining but the heck he's too much!

Oh, by the way, I am talking about my boss. Not that mafia boss, but he has the higher position than mine, so he's really my boss but I don't think him as one. For me, he is just this arrogant and bossy boss with an attitude which I don't really like. Who would respect a guy like him after all.

"Seungkwan-ahh, I told you to make me coffee why aren't you moving yet? Are you travelling your mind again?!'

Here we are again. I swear, I'm gonna punch him now. Just kidding!

"None of your business, BOSS!"

I stand up on my chair without looking at him. I'm mad you see? He's my boss Lee Jihoon, woozi for short. He's the director of Lee Group of Company. He's the elder son and one  younger sister so his parents let him manage the whole Company since he's on his legal age with an immature mind. I'm close with his sister Jiyoon because we've become classmate on our high school days so I developed friendship with her but I don't think if she see's me as a friend too. Why? Cause, she often confesses her feelings for me and I'm already used to it. I just think she was just kidding to forget the awkwardness between us.

By the way, about my master's coffee, I already made one for him and then I left his office. I don't want to stay there cause I'll be mad at him again. He's so fussy you know and he will just kick me out after all.



"Not again Jiyoon. You're making a scene again."

I covered my face because of embarrassment as she ran towards me and gave me a hug.

"They won't mind me Seungkwan-sii. I'm still one of the boss." She said in a tiny voice.
"Let's go. Let me see my brother. I have to tell him something."

"But your brother is busy. He doesn't want to be bothered you know. Your brother is having an attitude lately because he's stress and on his period."

"HAHAHAHA! Stress my ass and what the heck is that period thing, he's not even a girl. You're really making me laugh every time we're together. I'm his sister so, he won't mind if I bother him. He can't resist my charm. You know, I'm his prettiest sister." She said winking at me.

"Fine, just don't blame me if he scolds you."

"Come on honey, you know I can't blame you. Just be with me and I will be fine okay?"

That makes me cringe. How can she be so clingy in front of their employees. I can't believe this woman. Anyways, she still drag me to his brothers office which I just left a while ago. Without knocking, Jihoon enters the office and Jihoon was about to throw words at her.

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