I Love You

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Chapter 5

Woozi's POV

"Mom, I told you not to be too much excited, look what happened to you? You're breaking your promise again. What does really happened Jiyoon?"

We're now here at the Hospital after Jiyoon called me that mom collapsed. She said, she became excited because of something that leads her to collapse. Our mother doesn't have any illness but it's part of her nature collapsing when she was getting excited. Even my father knows that but he doesn't even stopped her.

"Well, Uhh--- I told them about the good news and that suddenly happened." Jiyoon answered.

"Good news? Of what?"

"Aren't you dating Seungkwan now? I told them about it and then, that happened."

"How did you know that we are together now?" I can't remember that we told anyone our relationship.

"Well, awhile ago, I called Seungkwan and I heard all of your childish tantrums that's how I knew it. Well, Seungkwan gave me the permission to tell dad and mom though." Gosh! She heard all of that?! I'm so stupid. Arghh!

"Don't be mad at Jiyoon, Woozi. We're just happy that you are finally with Seungkwan. We've been wishing for a long time for you to be with Seungkwan cause you're too cute together. And finally, our wish comes true." Mommy said while smiling.

"You're not against us?"

"Of course not son. To be honest, we agreed to Jiyoon's plan to make you jealous and Seungkwan's living in your house is part of our plan too. We're smart right?" My dad while laughing.

"I didn't know you'll do silly things like this for me."

"Son, you haven't had girlfriend nor boyfriend for 25 years, we don't want you to be single forever.  Who will take care of you when you got older? We can't think of anyone except Seungkwan. He perfectly fits for the role of being your husband. By the way, where is my son-in-law?" Mommy

"He told me that he wants to buy something for you since you'll be confined here for 2 days more. That's because you disobey me."

"I wouldn't mind if Seungkwan will stay here with me."

They really love Seungkwan huh. No wonder they were not against me having in a relationship with him.

"Let's just wait for him. He'll be here in any minute."

We all sat while waiting for Seungkwan's arrival. And finally he's here.

"Good afternoon uncle, auntie and Jiyoon." He said without looking at me.

"What about me baby??" He won't  mind if I act cute now right?

"We're just together awhile ago Woozi. Don't start with me again." I just pouted because it doesn't work. My sister teased me of being ignored.

"Auntie, this is for you. The doctor said that, you can't be too much excited that's why you should restrain yourself of being excited. Eat this apple for your recovery. Let me peel it for you."

"You're so sweet Seungkwannie. No wonder our son likes you." And now my mother is complimenting him, which is truth.

"Your son is Sweet too Auntie when sleeping. Uncle, do you want some too? How about you Jiyoon?" Dad and Jiyoon both nodded.

"How about me? Aren't you going to asked me?" How can he manage to ignore me like this in front of my family!?

"I bought your own food Woozi. It's already on your house. I told you that I will cook for you right? So don't complain if you don't want me to change mind." He really knows how to attack me.

"Fine fine. I'll let you slip this time."

"Yah, Woozi, Seungkwan, stop bickering now. You're a couple for Pete's sake." Jiyoon

Seungkwan's POV

It's really fun teasing Woozi and now he's sulking again. We just got home after visiting Auntie to the hospital. I guess, it's time to pursue the child.

"Hey, Woozi, don't be mad okay? It's just that I don't know how to act Infront of your parents."

"But you shouldn't ignore me at least!" He's still pouting which I find adorable.

"I'm sorry baby okay? I promise I won't do it again just stop sulking now." I kissed his cheeks to lessen his frustration.

"Do you really love me? Why are you doing this to me?"

"Of course I love you. That's why I'm saying sorry. Forgive okay? I'm really not used on having relationship with someone especially with my boss. But I swear, I'll try to adjust things. Just don't be mad at me. Huh?" I hugged him and he hugs me back. Actually, I know he's not really mad at me but let's just pretend that we didn't know. I like comforting him too though.

"Fine. I don't want you to do it again."

"I promise, I won't."

I kissed him again but this time, in the tip of his nose.

"I love you Woozi."

"That's not enough!"

I was about to say anything when I suddenly found out that he's top of me.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting my revenge."

He kissed me passionately and I kissed him back. How can I resist Woozi's lips after all. I can't believe that my first relationship was with a guy but it's not bad at all. I'm more than happy with him than those other couples I've seen. He's a perfect boyfriend material who has that kind of attitude but it's cute though. Of all people, I am now loving deeply the one whom I considered as one of my greatest enemy.

"I love you too much Seungkwan-ah."

"I love you too Woozi-ssi."


Hiii! Another story has ended and I'm happy cause it's been a while since I started writing again without getting bored. I hope I can write stories more. Thank you for the keep supporting me as a writer and Seventeen's fan. I'm happy to serve you all.

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