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Hi my lovelies...so um...I suck. Right when I planned on posting another chapter I was grounded. Since then it's been an uphill battle. School, mental health, family issues, everything has just been a lot for me. To top it off my phone has been acting horribly due to storage issues. I'm so so so so so so absolutely sorry. For those who have enjoyed my story I deeply apologize for making you wait. I'm not gonna excuse myself. I'm gonna try harder. I really enjoy writing as well as talking to people through this app. I'll do better for you all❤️❤️
This is kinda a short chapter but I hope you enjoy. If you can't enjoy my story I hope you can enjoy someone else's. Just have fun!

Trigger Warning:
- Inappropriate Language
- Slight mention of tragedy
- Arguing

River's POV
Anxiety looked at Logi rather intensely. "Are you sure...are you sure it was the same date", he questioned? Logi chuckled to himself softly.
"In normal circumstances the likelihood of me forgetting anything is next to none. If I just happen to feel as though a memory is beginning to slip from my mind then I'll have the insight to write the experience, in detail, and download it to a number of different hard drives. I'm completely organized. My life has been charted from beginning to end. Whether on a computer or my own brilliant mind. If I've so much as heard, smelt, seen, tasted, or touched something I will have remembered it. So to conclude and answer your question, yes. I'm sure", Logan answered with a slight grin.

Looking across the table Anxiety leaned into one of his hands holding up his middle finger with the other. Logan crosses his arms, his grin remaining. Nothing can bring a smile to his face like the reassurance he has something to feel proud of. People often mistaken Logi's attitude as cocky. In truth, he simply doesn't realize how arrogant he sounds and feels a sense of pride when he can rebuttal any sort of attack to his intelligence. He's essentially just a nerd.

"Jokes aside, what's happened is more than suspicious. Two banishments of questionable circumstances on the same day and both had the council written all over it", Carmen stated

"It could just be a coincidence. Maybe all of what happened is. Just some fucked up luck", suggested Anxiety.
Logan puts his index finger and thumb to his chin, "Although simple coincidence is questionable in it of itself I'm not close to convinced that's it"
"Why am I not surprised", Anxiety scoffs.
"Even without the same date of banishment. What are the chances you'd get taken in by a stranger that's somehow connected with the council and Logan gets personally promoted by not only a member but the top member of the council and you BOTH get banished", Carmen made clear

"Precisely. Moreover my failed project I had been working on still has numerous questions yet to be answered. While I do appreciate a good open ended experiment it's become quite exasperating and tiresome"
"And just like your experiment there's lots still unanswered about Anxiety's banishment. It's obvious the council was up to something when he overheard them that night", I add

Anxiety holds his hands up in surrender. "Ok ok I get it. This is probably more than just coincidence...maybe", he states
"But even so what does it matter now?, Anxiety questions.
Logi raises an eyebrow to Anxiety.
"If it isn't obvious enough we've been banished already. Does the reason honestly matter at this point? Both of us have been in this realm long enough to have moved on. Or at least to have just stopped caring" Anxiety makes a point on

"Please tell me you're not this foolish. The reason as to why our lives were altered does matter. With these new additions to the case how could you expect us to not investigate? For all we know the truth could save more than just us four" Logan responds in a less than happy tone.
I look over to Anxiety. "People could be in danger. I mean if they aren't already. Didn't you say that the council said something like their lives won't matter in the end? We can't run the risk of people getting hurt by not looking further into this", I say in attempt to convince Anxiety

"When they banished us it stopped being our problem"
"None of us need to risk our lives for a world that couldn't give two shits about us. Even if we could somehow unravel a centuries old conspiracy, what could the four of us do? Find a way back and ask nicely for them to cut it out? No. Knowing the truth doesn't equal a solution. Besides, it's been years. Who's to say that place isn't already in complete ruin. Even discussing this further would be stupid"

"The information as well as closure earned by answers should be enough reason to explore this further. Tragedy may very well have already struck the Ta Yvrídia realm but the amount of selfishness next to ignorance you must contain to let that prevent you from doing something is outrageous", Logan says irritated

"Sorry I'm not interested in getting myself or Carmen killed for nothing", Anxiety says with a glare

Logan corrects his glasses as he leans towards Anxiety. "Nothing? It isn't for nothing!"

Anxiety sighs with an eye roll, "fine. Sorry I'm not interested in getting myself or Carmen killed for something I couldn't care less about. I might've done anything to go home when all of this first happened but after all this time I just want to forget about it all. I don't care anymore"
"What about your qwoni? It was her home too. Do you mind that your choice to 'forget' also costs her the chance to receive answers? Or is that also something you 'don't care about anymore", Logan states bitterly

"Why you little- how about you take your answers. And your hero guy act and shove them up your a-"
"Enough!", Virgil gets cut off by Carmen.

"Can the both of you please stop for five seconds!", Carmen says pissed
Carmen, Logi, and Anxiety glared at each other. Each of them were beyond tense. What should I do? If none of us are going to agree then what is gonna happen?

I look at them all and see no indication they were going to calm down. I sigh and pull out a small business card with Logi's information on it. Logi told me to carry them around. He said they're professional.
"May...maybe we should talk about what to do next separately. We can all go home and relax. Take a moment to ourselves to take in what we've learned. Then whenever you're ready you can contact us", I explain sliding the card over to Carmen.
"And if we're never ready", Carmen questions picking up the card
"Oh well..."
I think for a moment before smiling
"If you never feel like it then it was nice meeting you Carmen. You as well Anxiety"

Carmen looks to Anxiety. Who scoffed at my solution.
Carmen grits her teeth. She clearly isn't impressed by his response to this situation.
She says looking at me
"We'll contact you and the human if we feel we want to investigate"

Anxiety stands up "Great. It was nice talking to you both. Enjoy your mystery Scooby Doo"
Anxiety puts his hands in his hoodie pocket before walking away in a huff. Carmen mutters something under her breath before following him.
Logan and I watched them leave until they were completely out of site.
Logan looks to me
"Um.. yes Logi", I respond
"Who is this Scooby Doo person?", he asks in all seriousness
".....Oh Logi..."

Again I know this short! I'm working on another chapter that I'm hoping is much longer! I'm very sorry for making anyone wait for this long

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