The crime scene.

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TW: This story does contain mention of murder, with some harsh topics.

The police ducked under the tape, which blocked off the door to the bedroom.

"Victim is female, 5'6, she's been dead for half an hour. Neighbours say they heard loud noises at around 10:15. Nobody was seen entering in or out of the house, although she did return home from somewhere at around 9:30. "

The officer sauntered around the room, avoiding the sight of the young girl lying on the bed. The wallpaper was a shade of ivory, with flowers of all shapes and sizes. The curtains covering the window were lace, they had been white, but had grown grey and torn with age. 

"you'd think for someone who looks so young she'd have better taste in interior design. " Muttered one of the other cops. He run his hands along the dresser in front of bed. It was coated in a thick layer of dust.

" And she'd take better care of her house. " Officer Davis walked into the room. She was short, with dark brown hair and olive skin. Her hair was scraped back into a tight braid at the back of her head and her eyes were a deep shade of emerald green.

" We've contacted the victims family with help of her neighbours, her name was Mona Iris Carter, she'd been out with friends to celebrate her 22nd birthday. That's why she arrived back so late. She'd been dropped back home by friends. "

" Killed on your birthday, wow. Depressing. " The officer from before was still looking around in shock at the state of the room.

The only professional police officer in this room was Davis, and she could tell. Insulting a victim was a crappy thing to do.

The body of Mona lay cold on the bed. The pillow that had been found covering her face had already been sent off to check for fingerprints on it's fabric. She had fair blonde hair, cut into a bob that went up to her chin. She had chocolate brown eyes and her skin, which was now pale and cold, had once been a dark shade of honey. Her hands were freezing to touch, one of them lay hanging over the edge of the bed. Bruises of all shades of purple were noticeable on her wrist. Yet another piece of evidence of what happened to her that night. Her dress was baby pink, with tiny cherry blossoms all over. She seemed so, normal. Her eyes were wide open, looking up at the lamp that shimmered in the sun, hanging from her ceiling.

 Her eyes were wide open, looking up at the lamp that shimmered in the sun, hanging from her ceiling

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Outside, among the police cars, barriers and crime scene tape. Mona's friends, who had last night been drinking and laughing with her, looked up into her bedroom window.

" I don't get it. We had just dropped her off. How can someone break in in the space of 15 minutes. " Her best friend since high school, Dahlia, attempted to push past the guards surrounding Mona's bright yellow house. They'd painted it together when she first moved in.

Officer Davis walked towards her. 

"I'm so sorry for your loss ma'am. However, there was no sign of forced entry, do you know if anybody has a spare key? "

"I didn't come here to be interrogated, what the hell is going on? " The only thing she could think about was getting to the coroner, who had just left the building.

"I hope you know that just a little bit of help may make finding a suspect easier, miss. I just need a bit of information. " 

 Dahlia groaned, frustrated. "I had a key, but I got home last night at around 10. I was dropped off by Jillian. " She raised a finger and pointed towards another girl, who was stood talking to another officer.

"She went home straight after dropping me off, I know that because I called her to ask if i'd left my purse in the backseat of her car. Which I had. The guys we were with are also fine, because they couldn't walk all the way to Mona's house after being dropped off. I am the only one with a spare key. " She huffed.

"Right. Thank you ma'am. Can I get your phone number for further inquiries? " Officer Davis sighed; some people really made her job harder.

"No. I have to go talk to someone. " Dahlia tried once again to push past the barriers. No luck.

"stupid cops. " and she walked away.

 " and she walked away

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