Meeting Jillian

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Hi! Aoibhe here! Just a quick note before you read. Earlier today I noticed a major plothole in my story. It's been bugging me all day and literally messes up EVERYTHING. Sooo... i've been kinda crushed and I was already lacking motivation when it came to writing this. Anyway, I decided to completely ignore it! Hehe, quirky innit xx also, my chapters are getting very repetitive and it's become very frustrating. I'm probably going to wrap this up quickly. I have another, more serious story in the works. That won't be repetitive, and definitely won't have a major plot hole. Anyway, i'm just gonna shoot these last chapters out as quickly as possible, and that's on getting burnt out luvs xx who knows, I may come back to this and rewrite it someday.

I travelled to Jillian's house on a rainy Tuesday morning. She lived quite close and to be completely honest I should of just walked, but it was nice of my dad to drop me off.

"Fleur, be careful, you don't know these people." he whispered to me before I got out of the car.

"Dad, she's safe, I know she is." I grabbed my bag and stepped out.

As I walked up to Jill's front door, I examined her house. It looked clean from the outside, fresh white paint on the walls, flowers of all colours lining the path. I knocked on the door and within seconds it was opened. Jill stood there, smiling. She was short and her brown hair looked poofier than usual. She was wearing a black, red and yellow jumper with long sleeves and a pair of mom jeans. She was only wearing socks on her feet.

"Hi, Fleur! Cmon in." She was much cheerier then she had been in her interviews. She led me through to the hallway of her house, to the left were the stairs to the next door, the right was the door to the living room, right through the hall was the kitchen. There was also a room under her stairs. She walked into the kitchen and I followed close behind. It smelt like cakes, it was amazing.

"Do you want a drink? A snack? I baked earlier." She took a plate of little fairy cakes and placed them in the middle of her dining table. I took a seat.

"So, I was thinking we should start the questions now. Get them over with." I took my pen out of my pocket.

"Um, sure." She took a seat across from me.

I began my questions. 

"So, did you and Mona ever argue. Sometime near her death?"

Jill shook her head. "No. We were very close."

"Okay... what did you do when you got home that night, after going to the bar, I mean."

She took a deep breath. "I got home, went inside and took a shower. Then got ready for bed. I got the phone call from Oscar the next morning saying she had died." She frowned, it clearly still hurt for her to talk about it.

A little while passed and I seemed to just be repeating everything I had already asked people. She shifted in her seat a little before making eye contact with me.

"When Mona passed, I got something that belonged to her. Would you like to see it?"

I nodded and followed her out to the hall. She opened the door to the cupboard under the stairs and began to root around in a pile of items covered in thick layers of cobwebs. As she was shuffling things aside and throwing stuff behind her, I heard footsteps above me.

"Almost got it, I remember putting it over here." She shouted from inside the cupboard. Whoever was upstairs began to make their way down. A guy, relatively tall, with dark hair and pale skin had been upstairs this entire time. He got down the stairs and turned to face me and Jill. My heart leapt out of my chest.

... Scott.

"Aha, found it!" My head whipped back around to Jillian, who had produced a small, white jewellery box. Inside was a dainty ballerina figure. But I couldn't focus on that knowing who was stood behind me. Jill gasped slightly as she realised he was stood there.

"Fleur, this is my boyfriend. Scott." She grinned, sickly sweet. "Although, you may already know him. He was a friend of Mona's."

I nodded slowly. "Yeah, Scott. Nice to meet you..." I gulped as I shook his hand.

"You're here to talk about Mona aren't you? I've heard you're a very smart kid." He stuck his left hand in the pocket of his jeans, the other was around Jillian's waist. I nodded again, I was speechless. 

"Me and Scott started dating in April, pretty much 4 months before Mona's death, we still haven't told our friends." Jillian laughed as she spoke. That dirty, lying, piece of scum! Mona and Scott started dating in January, he cheated on her! Suddenly, I was more suspicious of both of them than I had been before. Not to forget Jillian had Dahlia's spare keys.

Jill walked back my way and handed the precious jewellery box to me. I examined it, but every detail went over my head. I could only think about getting back home and telling Mona what I had discovered.

"Listen, me and Scott are going out to lunch with our friends. I'll be at a self-defense class tomorrow, I started taking them after what happened to Mona. But you're welcome to come and watch and we can talk after." She bopped her head as she spoke.

"Weren't you taking them before--" Scott whispered.

Jill elbowed him in the stomach, the colour drained from her face.

"No silly, you've gotten things mixed up." She laughed, it sounded so fake.

"Well, actually, i'm kinda busy tomorrow. It's my first day back to school after half-term so." I lied, I didn't wanna spend time alone with her again.

Her and Scott waved to me as I began to walk back home. My mind was racing.

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