Flashback- Mona's 22nd birthday.

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"No right, okay- " Jillian stumbled trying to get her words out.

"That's not right... " Dahlia laughed, it was hoarse. Either from the drink or the smell of smoke in the bar.

I took another sip of my drink. I can not believe i'm 22 now. Scott's been staring at me all night, i'd kiss him but we haven't told anybody we've been dating, and we've been going out for 6 months now. I placed my glass down as the ice clinked against it.

"Okay, listen, it was 10 years ago, I was 12! " Jillian was telling us an embarrassing story from year 7. Although i'd zoned out about 5 minutes ago. These heels were definitely giving me blisters.

"God, you were weird in high school Jillian. " Said my friend Oscar, a bit too loud.

"Oh stop, you just admitted you thought Janice from Friends was cute. That's peak weirdo. " 

Were they flirting?

"I said the actress was cute, not Janice. " He slammed his fist on the table, to get the point across.

Scott shifted in his seat, he looked nervous. I was worried, to be honest. Scott isn't the nervous type.

"Hey, I gotta go the bathroom, Jill can you come with me? " Dahlia got up.

"Sure. "

Oscar got up too and took his wallet.

"I'm gonna go get more drinks. Same for everyone? "

We all nodded and Jill and Lia went to the bathroom. I sat in silence for a second and Scott twiddled his thumbs. I sipped my drink awkwardly.

"So, you're quiet tonight. " I said as I put my drink back down.

"I just- got a lot on my mind. "

"Like what? " I stared at him, why was he being so weird?

"Mostly the fact it's your birthday, you're 22. "

Ah, so he redeems himself. I leaned in and kissed him. But I suddenly couldn't shake the feeling we were being stared at. Oscar returned from the bar with our drinks. He placed down mine in front of me, I hadn't even finished my other one.

The girls returned from the bathroom and we spent the rest of the evening talking per usual.

It got late and we crowded into Jillian's car. First we dropped off Scott. I would've kissed him goodbye but everybody else was still in the car, of course. Jill was the only one not drinking tonight, she had to drop us all off.

Next we dropped Oscar off, he hugged me and climbed out. We watched him walk up to his door and go in, his dog jumping all over his legs.

We arrived at my house, I hopped out of the car. Jillian looked exhausted, she barely even said bye to me. I smooched Lia on the cheek.

"Bye you two, thanks for tonight. "

Jillian still looked straight ahead. I went inside.

and, ya know, then I died. 

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