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This is Mona's POV!

A lot has happened, a lot. For example, 'Effie'

I've had to be super quiet recently, and when you've finally got someone to talk to after so long it gets on your nerves, you know? But now Fleur's got some new friend, Effie. She looks like a bad kid, she's got purple hair and loads of piercings on her ears.

I'm not being selfish, especially since like, i'm 22 and Fleur is 15. That would just be weird, i'm just bummed out that she isn't talking to me. She doesn't seem to be researching me either.

I was walking round the house the other day, when I died, some doors were closed, and seeming as I just go through everything I couldn't open them. I've had a blast standing in my bathroom again. Even if it's pointless to me. Anyway, that girl was over and they were sat in Fleur's room. Watching some show on Netflix. I stepped in and watched it with them, I even waved my hand through Effie a few times to freak her out. Fleur must have knew, she looked annoyed.

Things were very different when I was a teenager, I had quite a few friends, but I was mostly with Lia, that's what I used to call Dahlia. I was obsessed with all the usual things, bands, makeup, celebrities I thought were cute. It's weird to see how different Fleur is at 15 then I was.

Once Effie had left, I went to talk to Fleur. Praying she'd talk back.

"Hey kid. "

She sighed.

"Mona, why did you keep doing that to her. "


"Doing what? " I decided acting oblivious was the best thing to do.

"You kept, waving you hand through her or whatever. She kept getting cold, now she thinks it's the house. "

"Hey! It's not my fault you haven't talked to me in forever. "

She gave me a look, not a good one. The kind of look that said 'i'm not angry, just disappointed. '

"Are you insane? It is not my responsibility to look after you, Mona. What the hell did you do the two years we weren't here! I can't see you, I can only hear you. But I am losing my mind knowing that everywhere I go you could be stood right next to me and I wouldn't know. Mona, I am not going to stop doing normal things just because it happens I can hear you! "

Oh my god. Rude.


"But hey, okay, listen, look at this. " 

She set her laptop down on front of me and clicked off the netflix show she had paused. She brought up a word document with 15 pages she had compiled. All analyzing interviews with my friends, family and neighbours.

"There was the one particular guy, right? Your neighbour, William Sallow. He lives in that house across the street. I searched him up and apparently his ex-wife got a restraining order against him because he kept stalking her. " she whispered.

I remember Mr Sallow, I always thought he was sweet. Up until me and my neighbours saw police knocking at his door. We never found out why they did though. At least now I did.

"Police interviewed him and treated him as suspicious after you died. He gives me weird vibes. If he literally stalked his ex wife, maybe it was him? "

"Why? Why the hell would he kill me Fleur? " I stared at her in disbelief.

"I'm just, brainstorming. "

I didn't respond, per usual.

"Mona, stop, I hate when you do that. It freaks me out. " she whispered.

"Sorry. "

I felt bad now. Maybe I had been a bit mean. Creepy even.

"Listen, I can't live with you without trying to figure out what happened. I wanna- help you. "

Right, that's interesting.

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