Watching Mr Sallow...

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Fleur's POV.

For the next few weeks, I kept my eye on my main suspect. Mr Sallow.

I'd caught him staring at our house when I was taking out the bin bags. Just- glaring. Thing is, as much as he could have a motivation, disliking Scott, finding her pretty, for example. I just don't know how he would have done it. He's super old. There was no forced entry and he had no way of getting in otherwise. I was thinking of just ruling him out; but for now, i'm gonna keep on eye on him.

I'm also going to keep looking into Mona's friend group, ruling out Jillian and Dahlia because Jill dropped Lia home and Lia called Jill as Jill was driving home. So there's not much suspicion with those guys.

I've been losing my mind trying to figure this out, figure out why, figure out who. But I have no idea. 

So, I decided the best way for me to get more information was if I talked to a direct source.

Her friends.

Hi petals! Short chapter for now. I haven't had motivation to write recently and I disliked this chapter, so I wrapped it up quickly. There will probably be only a few more chapters. :)

Sorry, see you soon! :D


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