mashed potato

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Bella's point of view

"What were you thinking ", Joshua asked.
"Nothing much ,just trying to talk some sense to her ", I said.
"You really have to stay away from those girls ,they are bad news ", he said.
" OK ,so am I ", I said,
"I already know that ", he said.
" i hoped you meant that in a good way", I said,
" no, I mean yes ,but how is being a bad news supposed to be meant in a good way", he said giggling.
"I don't know ,but my case is different ,infact just forget someone like you won't understand what I meant",I said.
" You are right " he said giggling
"Joshy !, you are teasing me again ", I said.
" belly,pls stop calling me joshy ,call me josh or Joshua not joshy , it sounds somehow, and josh or Joshua sounds more cooler than joshy ,OK",he said.
"Who are you calling belly ?", I asked.
" you of course ,who else is belly here",he said.
"You ,am going to deal with you", I said ready to pounce on him .
"Joshua ,Mrs Theressa is calling you ", Jane said .
"Get out of here  Jane I know you are lying",he said.
" am not ,she said something about you not coming to meet her since",she said.
"Tell her am doing something at the moment,I will see her later", he said.
"So you are calling this ,doing something at moment ,talking to this girl ,are you alright", she said.
Mrs Theressa was Joshua's aunt ,she occasionally calls Joshua sometimes but am little bit suspicious about this one , what if she is really calling him or is this bitch trying to do something ,anyways I will like to see her try to plan something against me ,it would be fun.
"Don't worry Joshua ,just go I will see you later" , I said.
"You sure ?", he asked.
"  yes ",I said .
He came closer and whispered ," are you sure ,I could stay if you want".
"Yes, am sure",I whispered back.
"Be careful ,remember what I said", he said and left.
I turned around and headed to the class until a pair of hands stopped me.
" what do you want Jane ",I asked impatiently, knowing who it was
" tell me what gave you the audacity to yell at Daniel and who are you to him", she said.
"Like seriously, are you kidding me ,is that what was bothering you ,you  had to bang on my table and disturb me ?",I asked.
" yes ",she said immediately.
"Are you his girlfriend or something", I asked.
"Yes ,no ,yes, i will soon be  his girlfriend,so explain why you yelled at him and why he was staring at you today", she said.
" oh that explains why ,you were not the girl he was kissing yesterday ,you are not his girlfriend then ,and am sure you don't understand the difference between glaring and staring, because he was actually glaring at me", I said.
"He kissed a girl ,do you know her ?", she asked impatiently ,
" I don't  ,why not ask your soon to be cheating boyfriend ", I laughed slightly.
" shut up ",she said walking away angrily .
I immediately burst out laughing , OMG  the way her faced looked when I said he was kissing another girl ,it was like mashed  potato I laughed.

Thanks for reading ,next one coming soon ,keep on voting and reading ,love you guys .

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