Part 29

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A/N: Trigger warning for incidents of homophobic abuse and anti-disability sentiments expressed by fictional characters. These in no way represent the author's opinions.



"Ah-the losers table!" a smug and slightly slurred voice announced. As every head snapped up, Thuggory walked forward, his jacket and bow tie gone and top button of his shirt undone. He was gesturing with his glass that clearly didn't just contain a soft drink. "And look-it's loser central!" Eret, Moomin and Boarface walked alongside, their expressions unkind and very superior.

"Give it a rest, Thug," Hiccup told him in a weary voice. "We're just here, trying to enjoy our Prom."

"You shut your mouth, cripple!" Eret sneered.

"Yeah...oh, wait. Who was it who won that 800m race? Oh-it was Hiccup! And where did you all come?" Astrid asked them pointedly. Thuggory and Eret glared at her, taking a small pace towards her.

"Shut up, Nerdstrid!" Thuggory sneered.

"First-no one forced you to be here-your table is waaaay over there," she retorted. "And secondly, as I have just pointed out. You two are the losers, not Hiccup-or me, since we both beat you."

"In one race," Eret fumbled.

"Oh-did we mention every single class? Or grade average? Or overall class position? Even in terms of disciplinary record? So which metric do you want to use to prove your failure?' Astrid snapped, her eyes glittering.

"Popularity!" Thuggory hissed. Astrid gestured.

"These are my friends-people who when given a chance, chose me over your precious Atali," she said. "Chose us all. We chose to be who were are, not who Atali wanted us to be or some facade to satisfy her personal narrative. Who have you got on your table? The four of you-none of whom seem to have a girlfriend-Atali and her two Junior year wannabe hangers-on. How often do you meet up after school, go out together, hang out?" Thuggory chucked back his glass of definitely not non-alcoholic drink and glared at them.

"Why would I want to hang with you losers?" he sneered. "Three queers, one...Odin only knows what Ruff would count as...two cripples, two sluts and two nerds!"

There was a moment of absolute silence as everyone stared at the drunken student and then Hiccup rose to his feet.

"I think you need to apologise now," he said sternly. "And then get out of my sight." Thuggory laughed in his face.

"You know you don't scare me at all," the tall, dark-haired footballer sneered. "You're just a toothpick with a metal leg. A cripple!"

"I really don't like that word," Hiccup ground out through his teeth, the frustrations and slights of a year finally getting the better of him. "Snot was injured in an accident that will curtail his elite playing career but he will still function normally. He's just on crutches while his injuries heal! And I was hurt in a fire. I am an amputee-but I still beat you in a fair race. No head start. No handicap. Nothing. So which one of us is the cripple?"

"You're pathetic!" Thuggory slurred, stabbing a finger at him. Hiccup balled his fists.

"You know, you called me 90% of a person," he said evenly, his voice vibrating with anger. "But it only took 90% of Hiccup to beat 100% of Thuggory into the distance! So you tell me-who's pathetic now?"

"I thought we'd agreed on 95%," Astrid piped up, resting a hand on his fist, though she looked fit to kill as well.

"I kept 5% in reserve," Hiccup muttered. "Didn't need to even exert 100% of what I got to beat that ass."

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