09 - Of First Loves

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King Vachirawit sat reading on the bed, his back propped up by cushions. Seeing Sarawat, he placed the scrolls to the side and opened his arms wide.

He looked tired, his face had a greyish pallor to it and his breathing seemed laboured.

Sarawat rushed to his side.

"Grandpa", he exclaimed and hugged the King.

The King closed his eyes and smiled as he held his most precious treasure in his arms.

"Don't be afraid, Wat. I'm not. Even if I have to go, I know Aria will be in safe and capable hands. Your hands", said the King, proudly.

"Don't say that Grandpa", said Sarawat, distressed. He pulled away to look at his grandfather.

"Listen to me, Wat. I have asked a council of my most trusted advisors to convene here in a week's time. On your birthday, I will officially announce you as my successor to them. They will help you govern Aria till you turn twenty-one. That's when you will officially ascend the throne", revealed King Vachirawit.

Sarawat didn't want to show his grandfather any weakness. He masked his anxiety and nodded impassively.

"I hear you have brought a friend" smiled the King. Sarawat didn't ask how he knew. He looked downcast and worried.

"Wat, look at me. I'm not going to die any time soon. I am a Guntithanon, I will recover from this. I will live to see you on the throne yet, son", declared the King strongly.

Sarawat nodded, not trusting himself to speak.

"Go rest now. You have had a long journey. Go see to your friend. You're fortunate to have people who would drop everything and accompany you at a moment's notice", smiled the King.

Sarawat hugged his grandfather tightly again and stepped out of the room. The pockmarked manservant from before stood just outside the door. He bowed when he saw Sarawat.

Sarawat wondered if he had been listening to their conversation or guarding the door.

"Anon", called the King from within and the manservant went in, closing the door behind him.


Sarawat found Tine in one of the many small gardens around the estate. It was an olive grove, with a faint citrusy scent wafting in the breeze from the orange blossoms in the grove further upwind.

He leaned against a low wall that bordered the grove, a smile forming on his face as he looked at the scene before him.

Tine sat under a beautiful olive tree, its silvery green branches laden with fruit. The leaves threw dappled shadows on his face.

He was animatedly telling a story to a group of tiny children who sat cross-legged before him, their mouths open in wonder as they listened to the handsome stranger from a distant land speak excitedly about the high mountains and the animals found there.

One small girl sat on his lap, nursing her scraped knee. It looked like she had been crying before, but her tear-streaked face was alit with gurgling laughter now.

Sarawat's heart exploded in sunshine and rainbows at the sight. It was at that moment that he admitted to himself that he loved Tine.

The realization unsettled him. Sarawat had never given much thought to love. He had always been razor focussed on learning the skills he needed to become a good king.

Till he met Tine, that is.

But Tine had a girl. Or rather, a series of girls who he took out for dinner from time to time. He knew Tine had kissed a girl, because he had bragged to the whole gang about it. Sarawat had felt angry and irritated and confused that day.

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