11 - The King's Council

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Eight Years Ago

Sarawat kissed a sleeping Tine lightly on his hair and got off the bed. He needed to have a bath and prepare himself for the meeting with the Royal Council - trusted advisors and the governing body of Aria. Their support was critical for every ruling King of Aria.

Sarawat went to the bath in the adjoining room and found a tub already prepared for him with rose petals and steaming oils. He immersed himself in the bath with a sigh, sinking into the waters as they washed over the marks from the previous night. Tine had left proof of his passion in all sorts of places on Sarawat's body.

He scrubbed and washed himself off. He stepped out of the bath and donned the clothes which had been laid out conveniently near the tub.

He looked every bit the prince that he was.

He ducked his head into the bedroom. Tine had just woken up, rubbing his eyes sleepily and yawning widely.

Sarawat's heart melted looking at his Tine, who glowed from the sunlight that lit him from behind.

"Whoa! You look dressed for a fancy-pants party! What gives?" said Tine, his eyes wide and round as he saw Sarawat.

Sarawat smiled and walked to hug Tine. He kissed him lightly on the cheek and brushed away the hair that fell over his eyes.

"Grandfather has some important people coming in today. He wants me to meet them. Stay here till I return, please. I will have someone bring you food."

"Why don't I run naked in the halls while I'm at it and really announce what we did last night" said Tine, sarcastically.

Sarawat smiled and rubbed the back of his neck shyly.

"Okay, then stay in your room until I come in. Please don't wander around the grounds just for today. It's important" said Sarawat looking at Tine seriously.

"Sir, yes sir" said Tine with a mock salute. He got off the bed and stretched his naked body.

Sarawat groaned, immediately aroused. "Don't tempt me, my love. I can't stay, and I can't go if you stand before me like this".

Tine smiled wickedly and kissed Sarawat on the lips. "Keep this picture in mind and make sure you come quickly back to me" he said and blew a kiss as he walked to the bath.

The tub had already been refilled with fresh water, rose petals and essential oils floating on the top. Clean towels and clothes were placed on the side.

The young men blushed. The staff knew. And apparently approved.


They sat around a table, the King at the head of the table in the centre. Sarawat sat to his right as the heir to the throne. No one sat to the left, which was usually reserved for the Queen.

Around the table, with no one position more prominent than the next, sat the rest of the council. Six men and three women. They all looked impassively at each other, and with guarded interest at Sarawat.

The King began. "My trusted council, my advisors, my friends. For years you have stood by me as I have tried to do my best for Aria and for our people.  You have counselled me on matters of great import, matters that changed the course of the empire. You have supported me when you thought me right, and checked me when you disagreed.

I have leaned on your wisdom and loyalty to guide me to do the right thing.

Today, I ask you to do the same for my grandson and the heir to the throne of Aria, Crown Prince Sarawat Guntithanon, the First of his name."

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