22 - A Proposal For The King

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The late morning sun shone on the two bodies cocooned against each other. Sarawat slowly opened his eyes and blinked a few times. He found himself drowning in two deep brown pools.

Tine was propped up on one elbow, looking at the face of his beloved as he slept. His heart filled with warmth and contentment from waking up next to Wat.

"Good morning, your Majesty" smiled Tine, placing a quick light kiss on the King's swollen lips.

Their night had ended with the first rays of dawn, when they finally collapsed with exhaustion, entangled in each other's arms. It was well past eleven now. The sun was high in the sky.

Sarawat smiled lazily up at Tine, "It is a great morning, Captain".

"You've missed all your morning meetings, by the way. I couldn't get you to wake up at all. And you're naked, so I couldn't let the morning shift of bodyguards take over. I told them you were still sedated and that Man and I were pulling a double-shift because we both wanted the day off tomorrow. Man cursed the hell out of me but he had my back. We owe him one" said Tine, placing kisses on Wat's shoulder and collar bone.

Sarawat let out a low moan as Tine sucked the sensitive skin at the base of his throat.

Sarawat pulled Tine's face up to his and kissed his lips. Tine responded passionately, and their tongues waltzed with each other. They pulled back after they'd thoroughly explored each other's mouths, breathless.

In the warm daylight that filtered through the curtains, Tine positively glowed. But his cuts and wounds showed up brighter too.

Wat's eyes immediately filled with sadness at the sight of his love's scarred and defaced body. Tine saw the shift of emotions on the King's face.

He cupped Wat's face in his palm. "You could kiss my boo-boos and make them better you know" he said in a mock-cute voice, smirking. He took Wat's hand and placed it on a thin line along his belly.

Sarawat caressed it with his fingers, tracing the corrugated path it made across Tine's lower abs. He gently pushed Tine onto his back and positioned himself on his elbows above Tine.

He dipped his head and placed a kiss on burn marks on each of Tine's shoulders. With flicks of his tongue and his lips, he trailed light kisses along the multiple small cuts on Tine's chest. He moved down his sternum, his fingers running along the old war scar on his ribs.

Sarawat shifted further down, his lips covering the gashes on Tine's abs made by angry slashes of a small knife. He licked along the long, thin line on Tine's belly, made by a white-hot wire pressed against his skin.

He trailed kisses all the way down Tine's thighs, angry black burns on the inside of them. He raised Tine's knees and pressed his mouth on Tine's calves, which had welts across them. He straightened Tine's legs and placed kisses on the soles of his feet, where broad strokes of skin had forever peeled and left horizontal marks. Tine had been beaten with a rod on the sensitive underside of his feet.

He gently rolled Tine over, exposing his back to Wat. Wat's body trembled with grief and rage at the sight of Tine's back. The hooked whip with which he had been tortured had gouged out bits of his flesh. His broad back was criss-crossed with raised, bumpy tracks along which the whip had travelled again and again.

"It probably looks a lot worse than it feels, to be honest" mumbled Tine turning his head back to look at Wat. He felt a bit embarrassed with his scars exposed.

Sarawat bent his head and captured Tine's lips in a kiss that conveyed all his love and helplessness. He felt powerless as he looked at the marks that remained as testaments to the suffering of his beloved. He had failed in keeping his partner safe.

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