Moving day [Ch. 3]

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Y/N P.o.v

"Wake up Y/n" Mum whispered loud enough so I could hear. I groaned fluttering my eyes open, then I tilted my head to my clock... 1 a.m. . . . ONE. IN. THE. BLOODY. MORNING.

"Mum? Why did you wake me up so early, also good morning " I whisper-yelled slightly Irritated

"Good morning to you too! Also, we just need to at-least say goodbye to our neighbors!" "Alright" Ok, I guess... not like they are sleeping at this time! I then sat up and kissed her cheek.

"well I gotta wake the boys up, now, get changed into the clothes I left you in the closet!" Mum told me.

I nodded "Will do. Thanks, Mum, love you!"

"Love you too my chubby bear!" my Mum giggled while I was just annoyed by the nickname, I'm thicc, not chubby, she then proceeds to leave my bedroom.

After my mother left, I sat there, staring, into the void, I felt like we were moving worse things. Then I snapped out my mind when I heard a loud bang and a loud bang, "I'm OKAY FELLAS!" which made me snicker, 'maybe I'm just overreacting, or I'm paranoid, one way or another, nothing's going to happen' I thought 'WAIT A DAMN SECOND, Y/N DON'T JINX IT!'

I got up and went to my closet, looked inside there was a c/o/c sweatshirt with c/o/c jeans

After I got dressed, I looked at my watch and saw it was 2:06 a.m. So I went into the living room, where Ciel was already sitting on the couch and looked bored out of my head, then I sat next to him.

Then Aziel came running into the room "HEYA FELL-" "I suggest you keep it down Aziel It's two in the morning and we still have neighbors" Dad advised coming out of nowhere surprising us.

Mum then came into the living room "Well, we better get going! Now to the family minivan!" Mum said excitedly.

"What about the luggage?" I questioned, "Oh yeah Aziel, Ciel, would you boys be sweethearts and go get the luggage out of my room, thank you!" "Aye Aye Captain" Aziel then shouted, "I guess" Ciel muttered sounding almost emotionless going with Aziel.

I and my parents then went to the car and waited for my brothers to show up.

When they finally arrived, we got into the car, I had to sit in the middle as always.

"So..." Aziel asked, "Do ya guys want to read a creepypasta?" "I don't mind..." Ciel responded and I just nodded. [Lmao it rhymed]

"N/n you have a very soft and smooth voice, you could read it!" Ciel proposed with stars in his eyes.

"I don't th-" "GOOD IDEA CIEL!"

"Well, what creepypasta is it?"

To be continued...

468 Words

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