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n - porcelain

n - porcelain

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[ ☹︎ ]---

Time moved slowly. Too slowly. It was just like a day of school whenever Sunoo wasn't there. Having no one to talk to, time slugging on, barely existing.

It was oddly sunny for a late-winter day. Most people were out, enjoying the day as much as they could. But, Dai-Lan however, stayed locked up in the basement, and as much as she tried to clean nothing seemed to tidy.

Porcelain. She felt like a porcelain doll. Slumped over her desk, her body weak.

So frail. So brittle. So fragile. So... Breakable.

To inevitably chip, to crack, to eventually fall apart altogether. When you fall and break so much you seize to exist. Dust in this everlasting universe.

Where are you, Sunoo? Gone right when I need you most?

---[ ☹︎ ]

132 words.

any song recommendations for me ? :))

𝙽𝙴𝚅𝙴𝚁 𝙽𝙾𝚃 ☹︎ 𝙺.𝚂𝚄𝙽𝙾𝙾Where stories live. Discover now