- t

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t — forever

t — forever

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[ ☹︎ ]———

Sunoo happily jumped down the stairs, his hair bouncing along.

Hearts shown in his eyes, "Ah, she is so beauti—"

He suddenly paused his step, rolling his eyes. "Dai-Lan? You know that was a bit excessive, all those calls?! You know I was busy and what?—You call—"

The boy's eyes finally landed on her weak figure leaning against the bed frame.

"Wha—what happened?"

Dai-Lan looked at his yellow shirt to his face, the smile that was ghosting her face slowly appearing.

Pain was evident in her eyes.

She seemed to be caught up in a daydream, one she didn't want to leave.

Sunoo crouched down next to her, "Oh, Lannie, what happened? Why—"

"You know, Sunoo..." Dai-Lan lazily started, though earnest shined in her pupils.

Sunoo placed his hands on her shoulders, opening his mouth to speak.

"For as long as I live and as long as I love... I will NEVER NOT think about you."

"What are you saying?" Sunoo's voice broke, eyes glistening.

"From the moment I loved, I knew you were the one."

"And no matter what I—I do..." The girl stuttered between her words.

A cheesy smile adorned her lips, "I will NEVER NOT think about you."

Dai-Lan pulled him in for a hug.

Sunoo held on to her frail body tightly, afraid to let go.

Words of hers — that he hadn't heard her say — echoed in his head: "Didn't we have fun? Didn't we have fun, looking back?"

But her body seemed to disappear between his fingers.

And before he knew it, she was gone.

Disintegrated into mere dust.

She was gone. Forever.

———[ ☹︎ ]

277 words.


++ so any of you guys have fics i could check out?

+++if you didn't come here from there, i'd love if you could check out my heeseung fic !

explanation coming soon !

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𝙽𝙴𝚅𝙴𝚁 𝙽𝙾𝚃 ☹︎ 𝙺.𝚂𝚄𝙽𝙾𝙾Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang