
19 2 1

The Hybrids began as a few cases of patients with terrible illnesses, all with differing symptoms. All of their sicknesses caused by the same gene. The patients ended up near-to-death before suddenly jumping back with unnatural abilities, their symptoms still lingering. It was as if their abilities were trying to kill them...

Case 1:

Hollis Raes:

"Hols?" My head jolts up at the voice coming from my 3rd story window.

"Finn, why are you being so sneaky?" He pulls himself into my room.

"Because they are coming."


"The officers from the compound. They are trying to find all of the hybrids." He speaks almost silent when saying the last sentence.

"How do they know about your powers?" Finn's powers started with a very high fever, then random burns all over his body.

"I have no clue, Hols, but they came to my house earlier." Finn looks around outside. "I need to leave, and you need to come with me."

"Why? I haven't presented any powers yet."

"But Zander did, and it could be genetic." Zander, even his name made me upset. He is-or-was my brother. The Compound took him a month or so ago after his powers first started to appear, so I doubt he's still alive.

"I'm not leaving."

"Hols, please? I promised him I'd protect you." Dad throws open my door, and Finn dives into my closet.

"Hollis, have you come in contact with that Finn boy recently? There are some people looking for him."

"No sir."

"Okay. How are you feeling?" The powers always begin with some "symptoms".

"Fine, dad. Nothing new here." My dad backs out of the room. Finn steps out of hiding.

"They know I'm here." He grabs his bag off the floor and starts for the window.

"Finn, wait. Where are you going to go?"

"My aunt's farm. She doesn't like what's happening, and she's very estranged from our family, so it's the perfect hiding spot. If you feel like something could even possibly happen, here's the address." Finn slips a small piece of paper into my palm.

"Be careful."

"Of course. I'll stay in the area till tomorrow night, in case you change your mind."

"Thanks." I wrap my arms around his neck. "Now, go." He lowers himself out of my window and runs off into the darkness.

"Hollis, dinner time." Mom opens my door and sets a tray on my bed. Her shoulders tense and anger spreads over her face. "Why is your window open?"

"I needed some fresh air."

"Well don't do it again, okay?" Mom slams the window shut and locks it. I see the water glass on the tray begin to twitch, and I beg it to stop. The cup freezes suddenly, but it's still balanced-tilted up onto its side, "Everything okay, hun?" My gaze jolts back to my mother.

"Yes ma'am." She leaves my room, locking the door behind her. The second I relax the cup falls over, spilling the water all over my bed. The pain in my head grows too painful for me to ignore. The heels of my hands press into my temples.

Once the spell is through, I'm able to focus again. Could my headache be a symptom? It is how Zander's powers began.

I eat my food quickly, just to get my last parental encounter of the day over with so I can plan, "I'm done, mom!"

"Already? You must've been starving!" She runs up the stairs and takes the tray.

"I was! Thanks, mom, dinner was delicious."

"You're welcome, honey." With the lock of the door another, more powerful, migraine hits me full force. I bite my lip to keep from crying out. I have to leave.

I dart around my room, packing the necessities. I know Zander probably won't come back, but I have to leave him a message in case.


I started to have symptoms. I had to leave. I am with Finn. I wrote the address we are at on the back. I hope to see you soon.


I leave the note in between the wall and hinges of the door hidden in my closet. Our parents don't know this small door exists, but Zander and I used it to sneak into each other's rooms when we were younger.

Once I know my parents are asleep, I climb down the tree outside my bedroom window. I make sure to close the window behind me.

My feet crunch the leaves quietly as I run through the woods, "Finn!" I call into the darkness. My escape is now or never.


Hey y'all! I hope you enjoyed this opening chapter! Thank you so much for reading and make sure to check out my new short story! 💕

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