Still Waters Run Deep

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Case 2:

Delta Monroe and Walker Johnston:

The guards lock Delta's wrists and ankles in the cold, metal shackles. They do this to her once a day, preventing her from using her powers as they let her drink a small amount of water. Delta watches through her hair as the long-stemmed dipper enters her cage. The water touches her dry lips and she drinks gratefully. The air around her is void of all water, leaving her defenseless even with her hands-free.

"That's enough!" The head guard bellows. They pull the water from her cell, but Delta is still parched. She locks eyes with one of the guards, he looks guilty. The guard comes to unhook her shackles as the others leave. Delta rubs her wrists.

"They aren't out of the ward yet, if you really focus, you can use the water in the bucket. I'll guide you." The guard takes his gloves off and places his palms onto the ground. His eyes glow grey. She knew that voice. She knew a younger version of that voice!

"Walker?" Delta's eyes widen in shock as she gets a clear picture of the guard. She hasn't seen Walker since they were seven.

"We don't have time to catch up right now, they're in the left hallway."

Delta's hands begin to move artfully, manipulating the water in the steel bucket. She only takes a bit, just enough for her to do what she must. She disperses the water into the air temporarily to know exactly where all the guards are standing. The corners of Walker's mouth turn up as he watches the guards pass out at once. All Delta has to do is hold water over their mouths and noses long enough for them to collapse.

"Good job," Walker's eyes go back to normal "How long will they stay knocked out?"

"I'd say about five minutes, so we better hurry," Walker guides Delta out of the ward before pinning her hands behind her back. "What the hell, Walker?" Delta hisses.

"Trust me, okay?" He leads her through the hallways. A group of guards stops them.

"What are you doing out here with a prisoner, Officer Samuels?" One of the head guards asks.

"She was acting up, so the general wanted to take matters into her own hands." Walker nods his head to the man.

"Of course, don't keep her waiting." The guard steps out of the way. Walker continues to guide Delta down the hall. Before they reach the doors to the General's office, they make a sharp left turn into the Med Bay. Walker finally lets go of Delta's wrists to scan his card so he can open the door.

"They know this door was opened, so we have to be quick," Shd grabs his hand and starts to run.

Delta's hand motions are a lot more subtle now. She takes water from the earth and uses it to unlock the gate. They run quickly into the woods. Their hearts beating equally fast.

"Put these on," walker chucks a small duffle of clothes at Delta. She ducks behind a tree to change as Walker uses his powers to find out where exactly they're going.

"So, how long have you been a guard at the compound?" Delta calls from behind her tree.

"Since I turned sixteen. I thought I could try to help, then my powers presented themselves," He responds, his eyes losing their glow.

"It's been a while, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess it has," She could hear Walker's smile in his voice.

"Why'd you help me?"

"I've been slowly freeing Hybrids within the Compound. You were just next on my list-," Delta's face fell. She is just a check on a to-do list, but at least she's free.

"Why didn't you just leave me to fend for myself after getting me out?" Delta comes out from behind the tree. Walker's face turns to stone.

"I think its about time us Hybrids kick some Compound ass," The level of ferocity in his voice nearly meets the amount of redhot power in his eyes. Walker is right. The Hybrids have the power and it's time to use it.


Chapter 2! I know I'm really posting for no one at the moment, but I hope that'll change soon! Ten reads here I come! Thank you so much for reading! Please vote and comment!

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