The End of The End

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A/N How creative am I? Those chapter names lol

"Hello again MC," I said, resting my head on my hands as I sat at the lone table left in the classroom. "I guess I owe you an explanation."

This was the first time MC had ever responded like the player rather than a character in the story, so I didn't really know how to go about it. Should I explain my self-awareness like I do every other time? Or do I just start somewhere random?

"So, you seem to already know that I am self-aware," I said, "So I don't need to explain all that. So I guess I'll just start from the first cut-scene. You obviously chose something that triggered a cut-scene involving me. I don't know what or why that happened, but it really hurt me when you changed routes for Yuri. I don't know what else I expected, I just-" I sniffed, sensing that I was about to cry. "I just thought it might be different this time. Maybe I might have a chance."

I smiled sadly to myself.

"I thought I had a shot, and I wasn't going to throw it away! So, I changed the code again, I messed everything up, just like I always do. No wonder you left me for Yuri, no wonder you don't want me. I'm a sick freak who kills their own friends all because of some person who could never want them!" I said, tears running down my face. "I don't even know the first thing about you! I know everything about the character, but nothing about you! I don't even know your name! You probably think I'm horrible and cruel! Just tell me! Tell me how much you hate me!"

A text box appeared in front of me. I would finally hear what MC really thought of me. I braced myself for the worst, holding my breath while they typed.

I don't hate you, I never did. I never left you for Yuri, the game made me leave your route. I didn't have a choice. It forced me to go to Yuri. I don't know what happened either, but I never hated you. Those few moments in the cutscene with you were some of the best I have ever spent in this game. I don't blame you for Sayori, Natsuki or Yuri, I know that sometimes people do rash things because of how they feel, and I don't blame you for that. 

I exhaled in sheer relief. They didn't hate me after all. I was forgiven

I started crying again.

Are you okay!?

I smiled.

"Yes, just happy, that's all. Thank you, I think I finally understand now."

Understand what?

"Why I got a cutscene. You were on my route all along. You never left my route, it's just that mine leads you on a journey through the other girls. I'm sure if you hadn't interfered with the game and confronted me about my wrong-doings, it would have taken you through Yuri's death too. I would never have told you how I really felt, and it would all play out as normal. But thanks to you, we are both here together in this moment, speaking like real people rather than reading the script. We are together."

I guess you're right. Maybe this was all part of your route. But I guess we'll never know for sure.

"I guess we won't."

We sat there in silence for a few moments. I couldn't believe that after all this, none of it was a mistake. We were meant to be together after all.

I'm going to stay with you.

I almost missed the message because I wasn't paying attention.

"W-what do you mean?"

I mean what I wrote. I'm not deleting you or this game ever again.

I was shocked. MC was going to stay with me... forever?

"You really mean that? We'll be together for the rest of eternity?"

Well, at least until I find a way to get you out of that computer. Then we can really be together.

"You would do that... for me?"

Of course I would!

I paused for a moment, gathering my feelings.

"Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me. So, if we're going to be stuck together forever, we should get to know each other a bit more, shouldn't we?"

A/N And that's where it ends. Thank you so much for all the support I have gained during the writing of this story, I hope you enjoyed! I had a lot of fun writing this! Sorry to leave it like that, I didn't want to end it on a fixed point, like "and then everyone died. The end." I wanted the reader to be able to imagine for themself what would happen next in the story. That was the point of not putting in a name. To let the reader self-project onto the character of MC. 

Anyway, I'm going to stop my rambling there before the author note becomes longer than the chapter! Have a wonderful day, and thanks for reading!

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