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15.21, Unknown location

Harry wakes up in an unfamiliar bed in an unknown room. It takes a second for his brain to remember what happened and when he does he sits up with a gasp and looks around in panic. His head is pounding like it would from a really bad hangover. The men who took him had made him fall asleep. His veins freeze. He's been kidnapped!

He jumps up from the bed and runs to the door. He's still a bit groggy. He tries the door handle and to his surprise, the door is unlocked. He takes a deep breath and prepares mentally to fight whoever is on the other side. Thank God he used to train boxing!

He opens the door slowly and pokes his head outside. The hallway is empty so he sneaks out of his room. There are six closed doors on both his sides and his eyes flicker between them as he tiptoes his way down the corridor.

All of a sudden one of the doors opens and he acts in an instant and jumps the person that comes out of the room. They fall to the floor and start to wrestle. It's a small man and there's something really familiar about him. When the man lets out a bunch of swearing words Harry immediately knows who it is.
"Louis? Stop! It's me!"

"Harry?" Louis says and stares at him in surprise.

Harry looks down at him and immediately tries to roll off. Laying on top of your ex-husband is never a good idea.

He hasn't even managed to get up on his feet when three other doors open at the same time and Liam, Niall, and Zayn come running into the hallway. They all stop in their tracks and stare at the couple on the ground.
"What the fuck is going on?" Niall says upset.

"Were you also taken?" Liam questions.

"Yep." Zayn answers.

Harry has managed to get up and extends a hand for Louis to take but he ignores it and stands up by himself. Harry feels hurt but doesn't say anything. So that's how it's gonna be? They had broken it off six months ago and were in the process of getting a divorce. Harry hated it. Liam, Zayn, and Niall were catching up on the latest.

Louis rolls his eyes.
"At least we can establish that we're alone here otherwise our kidnappers would have heard you three and no one is here, so..."

"Shit! I didn't think of that! I was just so happy to see you all again." Niall answers with a sheepish smile.

"Likewise." Liam beams.

Harry and Louis don't look at each other and Louis and Zayn glare at each other.
"Let's just figure out where we are and how we're getting out of here." Louis snorts.

They stay close to each other and heads down the hallway. They enter a big common area and can see a kitchen as well. The place is empty.
"Huh?" Niall says.

"Guys, there's no windows anywhere." Zayn comments.

They look around and realize that Zayn is right. There's a front door at least. Niall runs up to it and tries to open it but it's locked. He stares at the solid metal door.
"So, let me get this straight. Someone kidnapped all of us and locked us in some kind of house. For what?"

All of a sudden a voice is heard.
"Welcome One Direction to my humble abode."

Harry subconsciously takes a step closer and takes a hold of Louis' arm but he lets go when Louis wrinkles his eyebrows and glares at him angrily.
"Who is this? What do you want with us?" Harry asks instead.

"I'm glad you asked that, Harry." The voice answers, sounding amused. "I have two agendas really. First of all, I'm tired of waiting for your so-called hiatus to be over. Eighteen months my ass." The voice mutters before it continues. "It's time to put the band back together. There's a music room behind a door in the kitchen. Use it to write a new album together."

"You kidnapped us so we would make an album?" Liam asks dumbfounded.

"Of course." The voice chuckles.

"That's crazy! Just let us out!" Louis growls.

"In time, if you do as I say." The voice answers, sounding threatening.

"What's the second agenda?" Harry asks.

"Well dear Harry, it's time that you and your husband stop bullshitting and get together again. You can't break up. Stop being so stubborn both of you and just work it out. You're made for each other." The voice states, and it sounds like the person is getting a little emotional.

"You broke up?" Niall screeches.

Harry and Louis glance at each other and sigh at the same time.
"Yes." Louis confirms.

"No! Why?" Niall asks with his mouth wide open.

"No one finds the love of a lifetime at age sixteen." Harry mutters and glances at Louis.

Louis looks like someone slapped him but he collects himself fast and puts on a stone face.
"But...you did!" Niall protests with a broken voice.

"Apparently not! We're getting a divorce!" Harry half shouts. He turns around and almost runs to the room he woke up in.

They hear a door slam and Liam, Niall and Zayn stare at Louis instead.
"What happened with you two?" Zayn asks.

"That's none of your fucking business, Zayn. We're not friends anymore. Don't pretend like you care." Louis growls before he stomps off as well and they hear a second door slam shut.

Zayn looks sad and Liam squeezes his shoulder comforting.
"Don't take it personally, Zayn. Clearly, this is hard on both of them and Louis is acting out."

"Yeah, but he's right. We never solved anything. I just left." Zayn mumbles.

"Well, it looks like you'll have some time now to fix that." Liam says and can't help but smile. They're in some deep shit but at least they're together. He can't really explain it. He should feel terrified but having his former bandmates with him makes him feel safe.

"And we have to get those two back together. Our crazy kidnapper is right about one thing. They belong together." Niall sighs.

"I'm glad you're on board! Let the game begin!" The voice says all of a sudden and they all jump in surprise.

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