°|messy morning|°

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  welp here the first chapter -^-

dream pov

*sigh*  i woke up from the noise that my housemates or what people call friend make whatever they do,its sound like a screeching monkey that just lost something and then i heard a loud bang because my friend george just kick my door again...


"how do you know i broke it?! you don't even have any fuking proof?!" i said while groaning  from my lacks of sleep.


i don't have enough sleep

from practice all day for the big tournament of course!
my friend convinced me to join so i did!
now back to the mess-

"sigh i don't want to make you- uhm you know-  NEVERMIND i just gonna go ask sapnap..." george said while walking out from my room,closing the door.ahhh finally some peace,me and my bed lay-


"MORNING MUFFINS! don't you forget you have trial for the tournament today? now get your muffins off the bed and get ready! we'll be downstairs with breakfast ~" bad said.

damn it,i forgot today is the trial for the tournament.its basically where the contestant just fight but not that bloody,just try to comfortable urself first before the real tournament... 'sighhh i should get ready for it'...

                       ~after getting ready~

i walk downstairs with my formal clothing,green hoodies with smiley face mask at side of my face and some normal jeans anywaysss i walk downstairs and see george and sapnap eat like a beast,i think their doing competition or something and bad eating peacefully like he always do... this will be a wonderful day...


techno pov

me and my sibling 


at the trial tournament

waiting the other contestants to come


and then, i was shocked because...

tommy pov

wilbur and i was whispering bout techno,my dear God Blood brother sighing wayyyyy to much,he kinda look out of thought tho so
i did this which is a big mistake...

techno pov

"OI BITCH PIG! THINKIN BOUT UR FUTURE QUEEN AREN'T YOU? i mean your t-tournament hehe" tommy yelled and instantly stuttered when i stand up.

"oi bitchy boy,how bout we start the trial just you and me~" i said a with a mix of angry and  cold tone. he started to run to our dad phil and i just chased him with my diamond axe.

"now boys...please calm down,techno put your axe down we don't need it right now and tommy say sorry to your brother or i have no choice but giving your disc to your brother.."
phil said calm and sternly at tommy and me while wilbur in the background laughing.next thing i know tommy start to go infront of me and i just stared at him.

"i uh- i'm- urgg THE CONSTANTS COMING GET READY BROTHER!" tommy said while running back to his seat which is beside phil.
that actually the royal seats where my sibling wilbur and tommy also my uhm- dad phil will sit.

i turn my back to see the contestants,they all pathetic for me and then someone caught my eyes...

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