Legolas - A Dream Come True

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Requested: Yes! Anon requested: Hi there, I love your blog! Can you maybe write something with Legolas and modern!reader? Like what if you got in Middle Earth in some way and Legolas finds you? Bonus points if you get hurt :) Thank you! - 🦁

Warnings: mentioning/description of injuries (You know I had to go for those bonus points!)

A/N: I had so much fun writing this! I might write a sequel if there's enough interest in it :)

You were falling. Not the feeling you get when you fall in a dream, like it seems that you're falling. No, actual plummeting towards the ground.

You could feel the wind rushing, making your eyes teary. The ground got closer and closer and you started to panic, swinging your arms in an attempt to slow yourself down. If this was a dream, it was really time to start waking up!

You could see a large forest underneath you with mountains surrounding it and a lake in the far distance. If you weren't busy falling to your death, you might have appreciated the view. Now you thought about it, you recognized a bit of the environment. It was almost exactly like a part of the map in the fantasy novel you were reading before you went to bed. But that couldn't be, right?

The trees came closer and closer and you braced yourself for the impact. You fell down from branch to branch, breaking a lot of them in the process. You felt them rip your skin open, covering your body in tiny scratches, tearing your clothes. It did slow down your fall, but when you collided with the forest ground, it still hurt like hell.
You weren't supposed to feel pain in your dreams, right? You thought while you groaned. Maybe this wasn't a dream after all... but where the hell were you then?

You turned around on your back, and slowly moved both your arms to see the damage. Everything hurt, but nothing seemed broken which was a small miracle. Your arms were covered in small cuts but those would heal in a couple of days. When you tried to stand up, an agonizing pain in your thigh made you fall back on the ground with a scream. Sometime during your fall down the tree, one of its branches had made its way into your thigh. You could see the end sticking out, your shorts already wet with a dark red stain.

"Oh, that's just fucking perfect," you sighed.

Now what? You weren't brave enough to try and pull it out. Besides, if it started bleeding like crazy you didn't have anything on you to try and stop it. You were wearing shorts and a tank top, the same clothes you went to bed in. It's not like you could tear a piece of fabric out of it, you would have nothing left to cover yourself.

You needed help. And fast, because as if your wound wasn't enough trouble already, you started to feel lightheaded from the pain and blood loss. There was nothing left to do than crawl over the forest floor, in the hope you would find help soon.

You hadn't got very far yet when you heard the sound of someone or something approaching and a stench filled your nose. Your first instinct was to hide, but since you weren't as agile anymore now that you were impaled, you couldn't do anything but desperately search the ground for something to defend yourself if necessary. After a few seconds, an Orc jumped out of the bushes with a loud gnarl, not trying to be subtle at all.

Wait a minute... an Orc? You recognized the creature from the books and it started to dawn on you that you might be in Middle Earth.

"That seals it," you thought. "I'm definitely dreaming."

By now the Orc had noticed you were there and charged at you with his weapon raised. You instinctively threw your arms over your head and hoped you would wake up soon. Usually when you knew you were dreaming, it was a sign you were waking up. Right? So your eyes would open any minute now...

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