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The room was silent. The atmosphere so thick it felt suffocating. A million thoughts were running through the Omegas head. 'With child? Why? What am I going to do? Why did it have to be his? My performance.... my career... can I do this?' He looks at the doctor straight in the eyes. His own looking lifeless like a doll. "Did you get the results for my mate?" Dr. Nam unfortunately shakes his head, "not yet, those results take longer to process. Although the only reason I found out about your pregnancy is because I had my suspicions. All this was added onto your medical record I gave you for your appointment that day." Jimin just nods, he should have read those he thought.

Jungkook was now in the back of the room, he was almost invisible to everyone. Their focus solely on Jimin. He finally speaks up. "Are you going to keep it?" Jimin finally sees the Alpha and the tears begin to fall. Dr. Nam was starting to feel what others would call uncomfortable. "Mr. Park, whatever you decide to do is up to you, I am not that kind of doctor so you'll need to visit another facility. I have many good recommendations should you chose to abort the pup. What I recommend is light workouts for the time being, that is until your morning sickness goes away. I understand you have a recital coming up very soon, as long as you're not too far along in the pregnancy you'll be fine. Please keep in touch on either scenario. I'll be taking my leave if you don't need anything else."

He picks up his things and just walks out the door. The Omega still in bed and the tears falling at no remorse. Jungkook asks again, "are you going to keep it?" Jimin couldn't believe it, he grabs the lamp on the night stand and throws it above the ravens head. Screaming bloody murder, "GET OUT! GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT! YOU DID THIS TO ME!" Taehyung grabbed his friends hands before he could destroy anything else in the room.

Jimins was now wailing, and all Taehyung could do was scent him. Everyone surrounded the Omega and Yoongi went to follow Jungkook. "Look I know I'm not good at this emotional shit, but let me talk to him joon." Namjoon trusts his hyung and let's him go on his way. Yoongi tried to think where the pup could have gone. He looked everywhere till he looked on the roof. The place Jungkook used to runaway to when he was feeling sick or worried about their next performance.

He starts to climb and says, "man this isn't as easy as it was 6 years ago." He tries to laugh to see if the younger would take the joke. No response. He finally makes it up and takes a seat next to his band member. Jungkook's up and he has tears in his eyes too... Yoongi instinctively grabs onto his dongsaeng and holds him tight. Jungkook starts to tremble. Everything is happening so fast, and no one even seemed to spare him a glance. He knew he wasn't alone in this but this wasn't just the pink haired boys life it was also his. He was still so young.

He didn't even get to enjoy life.

He didn't get to be a teenager.
He didn't get to have his first real girlfriend.
He didn't get to have an actual connection with someone.
He didn't get to chose his mate, and now he doesn't even get to chose when to have pups of his own.

"I'm scared hyung... I'm so scared."

Yoongi didn't know what to say, all he could do was keep holding him and let the Alpha calm down.


Jimin was done crying, all he could do now was think. "What am I going to do Tae, my whole life was already in chains and now I'm locked up in a prison cell too." Taehyung tried to think positively but there's no way around it. His friends life was being torn apart from its seams.

"What am I gonna tell eomma and papa?" Everyone froze, "oh shit." Said the whole group in unison. "Well I mean... didn't you say you've always wanted a pup of your own someday? I know this isn't ideal but I can already imagine how beautiful you'll look with a full belly. How you'll glow as soon as you walk into a room. Besides... pregnancy is slower for us since we're males." Jimin chuckles wiping away his tears and blowing his nose.

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