It Just Happened !

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It's the start of 3rd year and your mum shouts up " Y/N GET READY ITS YOUR FIRST DAY BACK TO SCHOOL !" SHIT.... I'm already late to school and it hasn't even started yet. I get dressed and go downstairs. Turns out your mum has already got your luggage ready. Straight after you ate breakfast you got on the road to get to kings cross station. you really don't want to be late so you ask your mum to hurry up.

Once you get there you enter through 9 and 3 quarters. In the mornings you normally quite grumpy but today you weren't today until you saw a smug Blonde haired douche 'Malfoy' he really puts you in a bad mood. To be honest you didn't know what you did to get him to hate you so much. Well your both in ' Slytherin' and your both pure bloods.

" Ah what have we got here" Malfoy says with his normal smug grin. " I see your still obsessing over me this year Malfoy, haven't you got anything better to do then bother me , why haven't you just given up already with this stupid game" y/n says with attitude. You can tell that really pissed him off because he was walking closer to you looking you up and down. Your heart beating so fast already. Now he was breathing down your neck. " You'll learn to watch you mouth when you speak to me y/l/n" he's now touching your chin to make you look into his bluey grey eyes. " if you don't I'll have to teach you a lesson" After that he went of with Crabbe and Goyle. He left you there shocked with your mouth dropped. you thought ' he's never been like that before'.

You walked onto the train and tried to find an empty compartment towards the back but turns out the only one left with space was with Draco and his followers and to put a cherry on top pug face pansy. This is gonna be a very good long year.

Authors note -

I hope you guys liked this first part I will be uploading everyday so sit back and enjoy xx

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