My savior

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when i turned the corner i was filled with anger and i swear for a second i thought i was going to kill Crabbe for fucking touching y/n. I saw y/n fear in her eyes and as soon as she saw me she mouthed 'HELP'. After that i grabbed Crabbe away from her and started punching him so many times i lost count " DONT EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN OR I'LL KILL YOU "and when he was unconscious I stamped on his head. I ran over to a shaking y/n and pulled her in for the tightest and longest hug ever.

We hugged for ages and after she had kind of calmed down i picked her up 'bridal style' and she slept peacefully in my arms until we got to her room. I rested her down very carefully on her bed and as i was just about to walk out she grabbed my wrist and said "please don't leave I'm scared". Those words made me tear up and i walked over and tucked her in and for a while we just cuddled and y/n kissed me on the cheek and said " goodnight Draco" and i then say "goodnight Princess".


"goodnight Princess" I got butterflies when he said that. I finally felt safe and i never expected that to be in Draco's arms, he shielded me like his life depended on it. when i asked him to stay i didn't really think that he would say yes. i finally fell asleep and i have never slept so well before.


I woke up still wrapped up in Draco's arms , i stared at him for a while and i was admiring him.

" Do u like the view" Draco said with his soft tone.

"Yes" I smirked and looked down and blushed.

" How are you feeling sweetheart " 'i got butterflies' he asked

" abit better, just abit shaken up i guess i'm still shocked what happened last night" i said with sadness.

"i'm never leaving you alone again, i promise."

I kissed him very gently and he kissed back, us getting abit rougher each time, i finally felt like i belonged. It just hit me that i was kissing the Draco Malfoy. He was so kind to me and all i knew was that i am falling in love.

Authors note- I hope you are enjoying these xx

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