Out loud

12 2 0

Mulan's POV
*Beep! Beep! Beep!*
My alarm clock shrilled through the already empty house. I got up and went into my bathroom and checked myself in the mirror, my hair was a wild mess but with a few brushes it would be okay again. I hopped into the shower and washed my hair, I didn't have long left.
I dried my long brown hair put two clips in it and was satisfied. My make up was neutral just a lick of eyeliner and mascara. I bounced downstairs and got my favourite cereal out of cupboard. My mum had left the usual note saying she would be back late and so would dad and to help myself to anything I want. She also left £50 in case I needed to go out this was to last the week.
I ran out of the door and caught the bus before I was late.
I hope I see Harry again today.
Of course you will see him Mulan and anyway stop being silly you have only known him five days! My inner thoughts seemed to announce.
I spotted Jodie and Clodadh and Jodie ran up to me giving me a massive hug then Clodadh did the same. Jodie's phone went off and she squealed when she saw the caller ID. And with that she ran off shouting
"Hey babe!"
"Luke" Clodadh told me
We talked for ages I really like Clodadh she is so nice and kind I enjoy talking to her. A annoyingly high pitched scream echoed around the school.
Everything just seemed to stop.
"You idiot Harry!" That high pitched voice rang out again.
Then the owner of that voice came down the hall, she was tall and super skinny her skirt rolled up way to high her bleached blond hair was chest length her too way to revealing Shirt and heels.
Some people were sniggering then I realised Harry was right behind her carrying her neon pink bag and her blazer and coat, it looked like he was struggling.
Once she passed Clodadh turned to me and said
"Stay away from Eve Mulan, trust me you do not want to get noticed by her and end up like Harry"
"She noticed him and now he is her boyfriend just to make the basketball boys jealous but she never treats him like one really."
My heart sank. Harry has a girlfriend.
"Out of force though it's not like he had a choice"
I realised that I voiced my thoughts and blushed furiously. Clodadh giggled.
"So Harry then?" She nudged me winking
"Uhh no I was just...uhh"
"It's alright you can trust me I won't tell anyone" she reassured me
"Thanks" I whispered
Harry's POV
What am I still doing with Eve? Oh yeah I remember if I don't do what she says she will 'get someone to beat the shit out of me and my friends continuously' I really don't want that. Okay I admit it I really like Mulan but it's not like I can do anything about it. I don't want to be bullied or Mulan for that matter either.
I saw Clodadh walking over.
"You okay Harry you look upset" worry was spread across her features.
"Don't lie to me Harold" the sternness in her voice told me she wasn't going to give up easily until she was able to help.
I sighed.
"It's Eve I have never liked her but she forces me to do things I don't want to do and threatens to bully me and the ones I love if I don't do it. I like Mulan but I can never tell her because Eve will kill me if I do"
Now it was Clodadh's turn to sigh
"Harry we are 16 almost 17 you can stand up for yourself and we will be here for you and anyway we haven't got much more time left in secondary school then you will never see her again. And if you don't make your move you will never see Mulan again either."
She had a point. A very good point. I need to break up with Eve. But Mulan doesn't like me back does she?
"Yes, yes she does Harry. Don't loose her"
How did she know? Is she telepathic?
"No Harry you have the same habit as Mulan" And with that she sat up and walked away.
It's time to make my move.
I see Eve in the distance.
Here goes nothing.

Yes I know my updates are only a few pages long but I update quite a lot. I never realised how hard it is to right loads of pages. So I write shorter ones in all my books😀 have a nice day
Mulan: @toxic.editing
Clodadh: @princessclodadh
Jodie: @_.jodie.x
Follow them on Instagram. I couldn't do it without them💕

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