Thats not what I meant.

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Harry's POV
I walked over to Eve who was talking to a basketball player. Why doesn't she just go out with one of them? Why does she have to ruin my life? She came over to me one day and said
"Your my boyfriend now you will do what I say when I say or I will get someone to beat the shit out of you and your friends continuously" this obviously scared me but Clodadh put me straight. This was wrong and I needed to man up to her.
I cleared my throat. "umm Eve I need to talk to you about something "
"Err it CAN wait Harry I'm busy why don't you go and read a book or something and then when I'm ready I will talk to you" she responded turning back around.
Usually I would have backed down and gone off but not today, today I hold my ground. "No Eve we need to talk now." I said with a tougher tone.
She clearly wasn't used to being talked to like that because she was caught quite off guard.
"Excuse me?!" She spat "what part of no I'm busy did you NOT GET?"
"We. Need. To. Talk." I wasn't going to give in easily.
"It. Can. Bloody. Wait." Neither was she
"PLEASE! It's important!" Ended up shouting at her. She was seriously angry her eyes were like fires burning by soul.
She turned to fully face me.
"Fine. What the fuck do you want Harry"
"We are breaking up" I said mono tone
"Huh it sounded like you just said we are breaking up. I decide what we do."
"No. I have had enough and I am not going to do this anymore" I stated showing no emotion. Not that I felt any.
"Ugh you will just come crawling back because your life is so empty and dull without me just you wait and see. We are over. Until you come crawling back." She retorted.
I turned on my heel and walked away with peoples sneering ringing in my ears.
"And" she shouted "Don't expect to see your friends tomorrow" she laughed
With that I spun round and ran straight back to her and grabbed her hair and shoved her into a locker with rage.
"You dare Eve. If you so much as touch my friends I will go and tell your dad what you have done to me. And then we will see who's the cling on." I released her.
Eve was shaking mostly with shock but I think she was intimidated.
"Wimp" she whispered "You couldn't if you wanted"
With that I got so angry I lashed out at her slapping her. She then punched me and a whole fight started.
We both immediately stopped and faced him. My nose was bleeding and my shirt stained red. Eve had a black eye and red cheek. Maybe I was a bit rough.
No she deserved it.
No one deserves something like that.
"Eve and Harry I am very disappointed in you both. Harry go to the nurses office and Eve down to the cooler. I got up slowly wincing at the pain coming from my ribs. I felt bad because I heard Eve cry in pain as she couldn't get up of the ground. I think she has a broken leg I did land on it funny and heard something.
No one deserves this.

*knock knock*
"Come in" A overly happy voice said
I opened the door slowly.
"Oh I have never seen you before usually it's the normal trouble makers what's your name dear?"
"Harry" I said still in immense pain.
She patted the bed and I laid down she lifted up my shirt and looked concerned. When I looked down I realised why. The area that Eve hit was swollen, black and purple.
"Dear we need to take you to the hospital, now" The nurse said and hurriedly called the ambulance.
I was in hospital when Clodadh and Calum came over with a smiley face ballon.
"Are you okay Harry?" Clodadh asked
"Never been better(!) It hurts"
"It will do Harry." A sympathetic smile came from her lips.
Calum handed me the ballon
"Here you go mate. Clodadh insisted we brought one"
I chuckled.
"I'm going to go and get a coffee do you want one babe?" He asked Clodadh
"Um yeah a caramel latte please Hun" He placed a kiss on her lips and left.
"What happened Harry, I said man up to Eve not start a fight with her. That's not what I meant."
"I know Clodadh but I couldn't help it she was saying she would hurt my friends I got angry and lashed out at her then she continued the fight. I think I broke her leg. I feel so bad even though she is horrible" I ran my fingers through my hair.
"Say sorry."
"Why would I do that she provoked me Clodadh she wanted me to do that and she will want me to apologise and make me go out with her again." I could tell I was getting frustrated.
"You broke her leg Harry."
"Yeah and she broke three of my ribs!" I exclaimed.
Clodadh gasped.
"Oh" was all she could muster.
"Look Mulan will be here soon she is on her way. Text me later. When are you getting out?" She was tired
"Tomorrow" I stated.
"Okay I will see you then. Be careful. Bye Harry." She stood up.
"Bye Clodadh see you tomorrow"
Mulan's POV
I was in the lunch hall when to boys came in talking about a fight between Eve and someone else I couldn't quite hear so I ignored it.
I was about to go home when I got a text from Clodadh
From Clodadh⚓️:
Come to the hospital now Harry has been in a fight 💕
I immediately text back
To Clodadh⚓️:
Okay I will be there soon I'm on my way 💙
I put my phone in my pocket and hurried to get a bus to the hospital.
"I'm here to see Harry Styles" I enquired at the front desk
"Room 356 third floor first left fifth right straight on at the end." A very bored receptionist answered.
I hate lifts. So I walked up three flights of stairs and followed the ladies instructions.
And sure enough there was a sleeping Harry in room 356. I went in and sat in the visitors chair my hand grabbed his.
What are you doing Mulan?!
Harry stirred and his eyes fluttered open.
"Mulan you came." He smiled
"Of course I did"
We stopped. Our eyes locked as we started to lean in closer.
"I'm sorry." He blushed "I didn't mean to. Oh gosh I was too fast we have know each other like a week maybe more."
I giggled.
"What?!" He seemed hurt
"I'm sorry you were stuttering and being cute. I need your phone number by the way just you know in case."
"Oh right yeah." We swapped numbers. And we talked through what happened about him and Eve and his injuries. He was about to go on but I got a message.
From Mum🌸:
I'm coming home early today to see you we can watch a movie and have pizza will be home in 20💚
"I got to go Harry. I will text you tonight." He smiled.
"You better" He winked.
Why are we flirting with each other? It's all mad.
I'm in love. With a boy I have spent a week or two with. Crazy right?

For the very few readers I have. I have tests. I can't write tiny chapters 24/7 sorry💛💙💜💚❤️ I love the people who read my books🎀 and for those who don't have emojis :)
Follow Mulan Clodadh and Jodie on insta.
Jodie is you do read this book you are in the book a lot more than this don't worry :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2015 ⏰

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