Zero to Hero

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Everyone gets a number of times they can fall in love. Renjun's number is 0.

(to clarify: when you fall in love but the other person doesn't feel the same way, the number changes. but when it's mutual, the number disappears.)


Renjun is very much aware of the big "0" on his right cheek. When he was born, his parents were very surprised; they had never heard of anybody having a zero at birth and as he grew it got worse. Of course his parents never treated him differently but when Renjun entered elementary school, the pity started. Even though Renjun didn't fully understand the reason, he knew it had everything to do with that number on his face.

Middle school was when the bullying started. That was the first time Renjun hated his face. One Valentine's Day he was caught scrubbing his face raw in the bathroom, the teasing that day stuck with Renjun the most. In high school, Renjun wore a mask every day. He told everyone he had a dismembered jaw like Mileena in Mortal Kombat, no one believed him and he made the fateful mistake of falling asleep in class. His classmates had taken his mask off and...well, I think you can imagine the rest. Luckily, Renjun graduated early that year and was offered a full scholarship to his dream school.

So now as he stood in his college dorm, staring at the two beds, he knew he just gained another possible friend. That's all.

Renjun took the bed on the right side of the room since it was closer to the door, he would go in and out the room alot anyway.

"This is the last box." Renjun's dad smiled at him. Renjun didn't pack a ton of shit so he didn't have a lot of boxes.

"Thanks Dad." Renjun smiled back and sat on his bed.

Renjun's mother walked in and immediately burst into tears. "Oh my God, my Injun!" She sobbed.

"Mom, it's fine-"

"NO! I need you home with us! Why'd you have to grow up?!" She scolded with tears running down her face.

Renjun smiled and wrapped his mom in a hug. "I'll be fine, mom."

She sighed. "I know. I love you."

"I love you too."

Renjun's mom pulled out of the hug and stared at Renjun, one more sigh coming out of her mouth.

"Oh, that reminds me! I brought you a new outfit to wear on your first day!" She scurries off to the hall, leaving enough time for Renjun look at his dad confusingly and earn a shrug before she comes back. "Here. Put it on." She smiles softly.

"Uh, okay." Renjun hesitantly walks to the bathroom and changes into the outfit. He walks out in a short sleeved white shirt, on the shirt was a picture of Sonic, Amy, Knuckles, Tails and Dr. Eggman; his pants were checkered.

"Do you like it? I thought the pants would match your checkered vans and I know how you love Sonic." Renjun's mom smiled again.

"Of course, mom, I love it." Renjun didn't lie but he didn't tell the truth either. The jeans were cool but the shirt was a little... embarrassing. Renjun hasn't even heard the name Sonic since he was twelve.

Dream, Dream ✧ RenMin/JaemRen OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now