Your memory

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During the holidays, me, my friend and her boyfriend caught the train, and we arrived to the same train station I first saw you, I then saw the bench that you sat at the first time I saw you. The memory of seeing you sit there still stung into my chest.

As I walked across the road I saw the crossing where we held hands that night when walking to the train station. I remember wrapping my arm in yours, feeling your warmth fill my body, and being so close I could smell your lynx deodorant.

Me and my friend and her boyfriend then walked into the shopping centre and stood around maccas, where we held hands for the first time. Every where we walked gave me a memory of you. Every shop, every walkway, every seat, every restaurant. Had a bit of you in my heart.

The whole day I third wheeled my friend and her boyfriend, just watching them cuddle, kiss, flirt, laugh and tease each other. Of course I was jealous. Because that used to be us. And I remember how good it felt to be affectionate with you.

It may not make sense or even make you cringe. But every little thing meant everything to me. Everything about you. But I know now that it didn't matter to you. You had me wrapped around your finger.

But let me tell you this. I don't miss you. Not at all. I only miss what you gave me, the memories.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2020 ⏰

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