seven | 2

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I used to chase the world in attempts to find an harmonic space, a place accepted by my soul, my heart, my mind,

And then fate brought a man to my doorstep, who I had fallen for, who I thought was the world I want to reside.

He was who he tried to show - but he wasn't like this on the inside,

My heart welcomed his soul, but he killed the lights,

Crumpled the very bits of my sanity, burned away what kept me alive,

Drugged my mind with the sorrow, I was to afraid to fall asleep,

Conjured the demons that would whisper the words "die, die..."

Haunt me as I looked at myself, tears rolling down, scratching myself till my weary skin numbs,

Till my nails felt the blood seeping, when my arms couldn't pronounce its pain,

Run water down my body, till the deepest parts of my soul cried,

And the next minute, I drowned myself, willing to fade away from life.

Till her little laughs seeped through the walls of water that overwhelms me,

Her infant smile appeared before my eyes, fading... I see her crying.

She begged before my knees, holding onto the thin threads of life left within me,

Her cries conjure in my mind.

I rise from the cold water, gasping onto air that resuscitate my lungs,

Tears run down my skin.

It were as if I woke from the dead.

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