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Silver felt sweat trickle into her eyes as her legs pumped beneath her. If only she could just reach the gate but it was almost closed. She sprang forward, her body became smaller and lighter, as a sleek black cat she sailed through the opening in the gate and to freedom.

Silver howled in fury as she woke up 'it had just been a dream of her time as a slave'. Then she noticed the cage a five by five thing of metal to contain her. She was surrounded by other animals. Finding the bars were to thick for her to slip through she looked around the area. It appeared to be a warehouse but was packed with animals of all sizes and breeds. A guard stood by the door and turned toward her. Seeing she was awake he produced a bottle and handkerchief from his pocket as he walked towards her. Dabbing some liquid onto the handkerchief and pressed it to her muzzle. She couldn't even voice a furious yowl before the drug pulled her under.

This time when she woke she didn't show it. Silently she observed the guard, he was a different one that had drugged her. Once he finally dozed off she stretched her limbs, careful not to make any noise that would wake the sleeping guard. Just as she lay back down the door slammed open with a grinding shriek.

Two guards pushed a young girl around the age of twelve centuries. she fell down as her legs gave way. At first glance she looked completely fine. She had almond skin, short midnight black hair in a pixie style haircut and emerald eyes. The sign of the hunters for the Kai-Dom of Arriendia (a wolf tattoo) clearly showing on her hand. But on closer inspection you could see the many cuts and bruises that speckled her body. A small grey pup was tossed in after her.
"Here u go if u want im so much but don't expect yerself ta live much longer. Its a rabid one if I ever saw one" the man stalked off with his laugh echoing behind him as the lock slid into place.

The cub trotted over to the girl after getting over the stun of the fall. He curled up to the girl as she fell asleep and dutifully closed his small eyes. Silver followed suit soon after. The click of the lock on her cage finally popping after many minutes of work with her claws woke the girl. Unfortunately the noise also caught the attention of the guard. He unlocked the door took a look inside and then shouted something. Just a few minutes later she saw her chance to escape. The door opened as a night child entered surrounded by guards. She raced towards the door. If she did it once she could do it again. She raced through the door only to find a slender white hand shoot forwards and grab her. The woman lifted her up to the dark black eyes of a vampire.
"You" she hissed at the night child.
She smiled evilly and hurled the cat across the room. It hit the wall with a sickening crack and crumpled to the ground. The lady shouted something in an old arcane language and stalked away as the guards almost robotically grabbed the limp form and took it into a side room.

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