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Artemis swore she would follow orders for the rest of her life if Lady Jade the hunting goddess got her out of this mess, even though she knew it would only last a couple minutes. The lead huntress in her group had ordered her not to go find the lost pup but she had done it anyways. After she had found this compound she had tried to escape and warn the others but she had been caught.

Each day they sent her some food and water and each time the same cat tried to escape. Each time it was caught and brought to a room just outside this one and she would fall asleep to the sound of it being tortured. Then one day a guard came in and dragged her to that room. In it was a table and two chairs, she was roughly shoved into one and then he left.

As she sat there she contemplated trying to escape. The thought was quickly doused when she remembered what had happened to the cat. After what seemed like years a door on the opposite side opened and a lady stepped through. She had fair skin that almost looked white and midnight black hair. She almost could pass for human if not for her eyes, they were completely black and soulless like the thing that keeps you awake at night.
"Listen well girl" she said in a buttery voice but there was a harshness in it. "We have a proposition for you, train that thing that's trying to escape and once every day we will let you outside" she said it as if it was finalized.
"And if I refuse?" Artemis questioned.
"We cut off your food and water supplies. Besides, after taming that rabid wolf it should be a piece of cake". She said in a nonchalant tone "I take it we have a deal".
"It's not as if I have any choice, so fine". With that it was done and she was thrown back into the storage area.

From that day on her routine consisted of breakfast, locking the doors and letting the cat out for the morning, lunch, then put the cat on a leash and walk him around a fenced in area that was outside, dinner and putting the cat back in the cage. She could tell the cat didn't like it but it was necessary for their survival and strangely enough the cat seemed to understand that. Soon enough she could take the leash off of the cat. Then one day she saw a bird pecking at the fence. She was about to shoo it away when she noticed something - her communicator pendant for the hunters that was thrown into the forest after she got captured. They must have found it and given it to the messenger hawk to deliver to her. She sent up the whistle that told him his mission was complete and picked up the pendant. She was just quick enough. The guards ushered her in just minutes later. That night she would contact the hunters.

It was dark when she finally said the incantation and the gem lit up with a girl's face.
"Artemis is that you?" the girl said in a hopeful voice.
"Yes, I found Bruno but I was captured. Go to the Kai-lord and lead him to the west edge of the forest, that's where I am. These people fear fire. I'll release the animals and you can burn it down. Hurry!" but before she could finish, the gem went blank.

She was ready by the time she smelled smoke. All the animals were out of their cages and she had picked the lock on the door. She waited until she was sure there were no guards left and opened the door. It led to the fenced in area, the larger animals (bulls, bears, ect) knocked it down. Halfway threw the evacuation the door on the other side of the warehouse burst into flames. She ran to the back and started herding them out. The warehouse was two thirds in flame when she heard a strangled yelp. All the animals were out the door except two, the cat and Bruno. A burning log had fallen on his paw and the cat was pulling at it with his mouth to try and free him. Not caring about the fire she ran to him and pulled the burning log off him. He ran for the door with his tail between his legs. He leaped out the door as burning logs fell on the doorway. Bruno had escaped but her and the cat were trapped in a blazing building.

The cat stared, circling the floor almost frantically as if searching for something. After what seemed like forever (though it was probably only a minute but time slows down when your about to burn alive) the cat gently latched his teeth onto her finger. It scuttled ungracefully backwards towards the heart of the flame. I started to pull my finger back but the cat clamped down harder so I followed, then I heard a creak and burning timbers collapsed onto my head just as the cat stepped into a patch of open air that whooshed us away. I had the sensation of falling and then I landed hard onto the wet grass outside the building and collapsed into unconsciousness.

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