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I don't know how many people I am,
Who is the true me, I don't really know.

Am I that cheerful angel flooding with positivity,
Who spreads happiness and always keeps smiling?

Or am I the broken human,
Who never seems to fit in?

Maybe I'm the crazy student,
Who pulls pranks and laughs with no shame.

Or perhaps that shy introvert,
Who reads all the time and has no friends.

I might be the cool teenager,
Who speaks in fluent sarcasm.

Or I might be that quiet cousin,
Who blends into the background at family gatherings.

Maybe I'm a determined person,
Who proves everyone wrong.

Or I must be the silly romantic,
Who dreams of impossibilities.

Everything's just so contradicting,
Who is the one I really am?

Maybe we're all like roses, beautiful and tender,
Who have thorns too, positive and negative equally apart. 

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