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"When did you meet Wendy?"

"December last year"

[ DECEMBER 2nd, 2016 ]

Christmas lights hung on every corner of the almost empty shelves in the supermarket as they twinkled in accordance to the Christmas carols that played in the background. Kids were running wild and the shop was running out of goods faster than you could say 'Jack Robinson'. Jordan had gone to get some groceries for himself and Adam. He usually bought them at the city shopping mall but this supermarket had an ongoing discount sale as they were closing for the holidays.

He hurriedly walked up to the shelf that had spread for bread to get Nutella and Nutzy peanut butter before they ran out and as he took out the last jar of Nutella, he saw, through the empty shelf, a girl on a brown ponytail. She wore a short, blue chiffon dress and a tiny bag across her shoulder. She looked beautiful from behind and that made Jordan stare for a while, hoping she'd turn around so he could see her face. Eventually, she did and the moment he saw her, he exclaimed


She turned in shock to meet his eyes staring right back at her. With her brows arched, she asked if he was talking to her and immediately, he approached her.

"I'm sorry I yelled." He apologized.

"That's okay."

"You're Wendy right?"

"Yes" she replied, looking confused "I don't seem to recognize you."

"Jordan" He said, punching the letter N. "Jordan Damilola. Love crest academy"

"Oh my God!" She exclaimed immediately "Jordan! What's up?!"

"Well... just getting a few stuff. You know... discount sale." He replied excitedly. "You live here? Or you go to the university?"

"Uni. Anatomy. You?"

"Same here. Nursing." He smiled.


Jordan stops talking as he stares at Brad. His eyes are red and sunk into his socket and his lips, they're shaking.

"Why are you quiet?" Brad asks.

"I... I miss her" he whispers.

"You miss her? Did you even love her?"

"I did! Okay?! She was selfish! An ungrateful bitch..."

"Language please." Brad interrupts. "Can you keep up with the story?"

"Sure. Sure I can." Jordan mumbles as he bows his head only to raise it back up.

"We got close over the next week. I spent most days after school with her at her lodge. We'd talk about elementary school and how most pupils never liked me. We had lunch together, Adam inclusive. We also went to campus together everyday as our faculties weren't so far apart and whenever Pelumi saw us, she called us a couple."

"Weren't you?"

"Not until my parents' anniversary party came up"

[ DECEMBER 10th, 2016 ]

Wendy opened her door for Jordan to enter. He handed her a plastic bag with a restaurant label on it before falling on the bed.

"Wendy boo." He said, smiling like an idiot.

"What did you buy? I hope it's Jollof oh. Or you'll just take it back like this." She replied as she opened up the bag aggressively.

Jordan watched her open the bag like it was a sight to behold before rolling his eyes. "It's Jollof"

HELLO JORDANWhere stories live. Discover now