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Beep beep beep

That's all he can hear as his eyes gradually flip open to a bright light which forces him to close them back. On reopening them, his sight is blurry. He sees a fan spinning slowly above his head and gradually, as he keeps starring, it gets clearer and clearer.

He turns to his side, there's a flower vase and a card next to it with a note boldly inscribed on it - "WAKE UP SOON."

Brad turns around as he puts his phone in his pocket and the first thing he sees are his eyes, wide open, starring back at him in confusion.

"Hello Jordan."

"Who's Jordan?" He asks slowly, still laid back on the bed and all Brad does is smile from ear to ear as a tear drops from his eye.

"I've been longing to say that for the past two months."

"Two months?"

"Welcome to your new life Jordan. Or maybe I should call you Jay from now on."

"What's going on? Who are you?" Jordan asks with furrowed brows and shaky lips.

"Call me father... I'm your father"


So, remember I told you guys I was working on something with my friend? Well, it might just be a sequel of Hello Jordan and I'm hoping you guys like it when we're done.

It may take a while though cause I'm working on my quarter life crisis at the moment but if you get bored and you like BoyLove stories, check out my story - DRAVITE EYES. ❤️


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