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As Cassandra opened her eyes again she was in a place she has never been before and which for sure wasn't part of her trip with Chuck either.
She looked around and everything was dark. She could see nothing except for... emptiness.
„Where are we?", she asked, scared. She already knew the answer but refused to believe it.
„The empty.", Chuck said, without any emotions in his voice. „Don't worry, you're not dead. I just wanted a calm place for us to talk. I will bring you back to earth."
Cassandra took a deep breath.
„Chuck... I can explain everything to you."
Chuck shook his head.
„No, I don't think so.", he said calmly. Too calm. „You betrayed me."
Cassandra looked down on the ground. Yes, she did. But only in the beginning. Now she really loved him.
„I don't believe you do.", Chuck suddenly said. Did he read her thoughts?
„I thought we agreed on you staying out of my head.", Cassandra snapped at him.
„Yes, but apparently promises don't mean much to you."
He was angry, really angry.
„Chuck I don't get it. My feelings now are honest. Isn't that what matters?"
Her eyes filled with tears.
„Everyone betrays me... everyone..."
He started walking in circles what kind of scared Cassandra. Why did he freak out so bad? Yes, her behaviour in the beginning wasn't okay but her intentions changed.
„I will never trust again.", Chuck stated and in that moment Cassandra realized it: He has been hurt way too many times. He was a broken man. That's why his temper was so short.
„Cassandra, I trusted you!", he suddenly yelled which made Cassandra shriek, „I could have read your thoughts every day but I didn't because I believed you! Do you know how much you hurt me right now?"
His eyes were filled with tears now, too. Cassandra has never seen him like that ever before. He usually didn't get too emotional.
He continued yelling:
„I went everywhere with you! I was on the moon with you! ON. THE. MOON.!! My absolute favorite place! Going there meant opening my entire heart to you! And yet you are just another one hurting me... Everyone hurts me! This whole universe is a disappointment!"
Tears streamed down her face. She didn't know what to say. Chuck was way too hurt. He was bruised from his past, carried massive emotional scars around. And Cassandra's actions have opened every single one of them. She could say whatever she wanted, he wouldn't believe her. He wouldn't believe she actually loved him now.
Chuck's voice went calm again. Way too calm.
„No. You will pay for this! The whole world will!"

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