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1. I can't leave the house without... Uh... A mask hehe
2. nada
3. Okay, flowers are for Hopeless Romantics XD
4. The Dumpster
5. It's called Aloe XD no, literally, like a leaf of it
6. Flats, ugh.. Heels are absolutely impossible to walk in...
7. Yes, except for like in Physics the other day when I did EVERYTHING correct, she PRAISED ME BC I DID EVERYTHING CORRECT, and I got a 7 and a half, which would be like a C or C+
8. Black and ultraman blue
9. Nah. The only drinks (except for water, milk and juice) I like are Lemonade, even the pink one, and Iced Tea
10. Literally just said ^ XD yes, there's this one here called ACE with carrot orange and lemon and it's like delicious XP and peach juice ig Yanno when I visit america I the summer my gran always brings Apple juice to the airport when she picks us up, but for some reason it's not my favorite...

Anyway, Luci,
XxLucidreamsxX don't worry it's your only punishment hehe XD

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