These are lame titles XD

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1. Lol
2. Lol
3. Among Us
4. 1,62 (like, a 5'3)
5. Lol
6. Lol
7. Lol
8. Lol it don't exist lmao
9. Angry
10. My mom and dad have never read any of the stories I ever posted on here.
Oh, and also, I'm angry coz I'm like a math genius, I understand everything perfectly and do my homework like a shooting star, but I just got a 7 in a test (I did 20 correct out of 30), so like a C, and I'm very mad bc a lot of people were bragging about how good theirs was, and then I knew it- they didn't deserve those good grades bc they copied off of someone's work or even did it with someone else (I mean they literally told us that they did that). So now I'm very very mad and I suffered my dad's long speech about maths being a subject that you either understand or don't, no in between.
That wasn't a confession but I had to stay it or I'd explode. Thank you.

sorry bout that, but as I mentioned, I'm angry.
12. I miss... My friends in America (shh... I know I've only got like three but they're still my friends 😑)
13. My lil sister when I came back from school ❤️❤️❤️
14. Umm... My Wattpad friends XD
15. Books 😳 I love you guys, books
16. To my friend telling her I wouldn't be taking the bus with her going to and come back from school today .

Oh u thought I'd show u the text???
As u wish, I guess...

Sono già a ________, mi ha portato mio padre, e mi ha lasciata a casa di mia zia, che alle 11 mi porterà a scuola

Hehe XD
17. Oh, I already talked about this XD
18. Leo Valdez
19. Books
20. Ahh... Books, oh and my lil sis ig
21. My mom and dad talking about physiotherapy XD
22. Is this ... meant in the ... Way... Or just, like, what makes me like a guy and what not?
In the latter case, it would be being smart, sporty, good looking, not a popular person, I might even like emos and guys who are left out but with the qualities aforementioned, and if they like reading, writing or drawing then that's a big bonus.
23. Again, if we're talking about what I don't like in a guy... If he's dumb, not sporty (like even if he's fat, I just don't like how chubby guys look), if he's part of the popular group unless he's smart... If he doesn't like at least one thing that I do... Well then are pretty much all turn offs
As I said, I'm particular
24. One, I guess... She's not my best friend tho coz she's in a different class and she makes other friends pretty quickly and .. forgets me XD. But I've known her since I was six, so it's a pretty close bet
25. Lmao this don't exist either XD
26. Lol
27. Hehe... Getting bad grades. When my dad yells. When people think they own the world. When everyone is a beach. The Burning Maze. My dad yelling. The Burning Maze. People who think I'm a worse person than them. The Burning Maze. When I'm writing on Wattpad and my phone suddenly shuts down and I have to start over... And lastly, I have a
Love/Hate relationship with Rick Riordan.
There's much more ofc.
28. Ahhhh.. my dad is still talking about the grade I got in math... That's enough to explain what's and who's annoying.


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